Nyoman Abiwinandablog.abiwinanda.com·Nov 20, 2024How to Uncover Test Coverage and Understand Code in Elixir by Crashing Your AppElixir library such as excoveralls allow us to generated an HTML report that summarise whether each line of code in an elixir project has been covered by our unit test suite or not. The HTML report can be easily generated by running mix coveralls.htm...DiscussElixir Test
Mohamed Mayallomayallo.hashnode.dev·Nov 14, 2024Unit, Integration, and E2E Testing in One Example Using JestIntroduction Many developers face challenges when it comes to testing their code. Without proper tests, bugs can slip through, leading to frustrated users and costly fixes. This article will show you how to effectively apply Unit, Integration, and En...Discuss·10 likesTesting
Vijay Thirugnanamyocanay.com·Nov 1, 2024Can i refactor the code before a release?Sometimes, we need to refactor the code. But there are deadlines that need to be met. So, do we refactor or incur technical debt? The answer depends on automated test cases. If you have automated test cases and have good coverage, then it is better t...Discusscoding
Sanyam Kumarblog.sanyam.dev·Nov 1, 2024Node.js Unit Testing with JestUnit testing is essential to ensure the reliability of applications, especially for backend services interacting with databases and structured data like XML. Jest is a powerful JavaScript testing framework that simplifies writing and running tests fo...DiscussNode.js
Steve Worthamstevewortham.hashnode.dev·Oct 28, 2024What Is Unit Testing: A Complete Guide With ExamplesHowever, repeatedly testing it can be time-consuming, especially considering all the different operating scenarios it can use or the number of external dependencies involved. Instead, most developers opt for unit testing, where — as the name suggests...DiscussTesting
Andrew Arhangelskife-dev.hashnode.dev·Oct 28, 2024Running Enzyme Tests in React 18: Our Success Story.Like many other companies with mature software, we found ourselves at a crossroads with our React application. The app, initially developed in early 2019, was built with React 16 and used Enzyme for unit testing. Over the past five years, the app gre...DiscussReact
Robinrobinesau.com·Oct 26, 2024Getting Started with Test Writing in Flutter for NewbiesOn my journey of becoming a junior developer, i started a lot of different side projects. For each and everyone of them i had the dream that it would eventually become a huge success an make me the next zuckerberg (avarege junior dev thinking). That ...DiscussFlutter
Alyaa Talaatalyaatalaat28.hashnode.dev·Oct 25, 2024Unit Testing – Building Better Code as a Software Engineer Part 3Unit testing is a critical practice for any codebase, especially in teams where reliability and robustness are essential. This part of Good Code, Bad Code dives into unit testing principles and practical approaches that help software engineers catch ...Discussunit testing
Sam Atinksonsamatinkson.hashnode.dev·Oct 18, 2024A Guide to Deciding Between Functional And Unit TestingSoftware testing is critical for delivering a high-quality product. It ensures the application behaves as expected under various conditions. Among the many types of testing, functional and unit testing are essential. But how do you decide which one t...Discussfunctional testing
Dinesh Tdinesht0006-tech-blog.hashnode.dev·Oct 6, 2024Demystifying Test Driven DevelopmentIntroduction As a developer, when trying to solve a problem through coding, the typical approach is to design the flow of the program. However, if unexpected data is passed, the code may fail, breaking the entire program. In TDD, instead of focusing ...Discuss·10 likes·26 readsPyunit