Simon·Aug 28, 2024UserAgent 是什麼?網站如何用它辨識身分?今天夏格飛要介紹的是網站相關從業人員一定會聽過的 UserAgent,它常常被用來辨識使用者的瀏覽器、裝置或作業系統。而若有看過網站存取記錄或伺服器 log 的人,一定也常常看到 UserAgent 的完整字串。這些 UserAgent 字串到底是什麼意思,如何判讀,讓我們一步一步來解析。 [toc] 什麼是 UserAgent UserAgent 又稱使用者代理,是網站與伺服器用來辨識使用者行為的標記。所謂的使用者代理,意思是我們所操作的電腦、手機等裝置,以及上面用來瀏覽網頁的瀏覽器,其實是代...Discuss網站知識sec-ch-ua·Jul 3, 2024user-agent를 이용한 모바일만 접근하기사내 프로젝트에서 회원가입페이지를 모바일 기기에서만 접근할 수 있도록 만들어달라는 요청이있어 구현과정을 정리해보았습니다. 프로젝트는 next.js v14.2버전으로 진행했습니다. User-agent란? 사용자 에이전트 (User Agent)란, 우리가 사용하는 웹 브라우저 속에 숨겨진 중요한 기능 중 하나를 말합니다. 간단히 말해 내가 어떤 OS를 쓰고 있고, 버전은 어떤 버전인지 웹 브라우저의 정보는 어떤 것인지 등을 담고 있는 번호판 같은 ...DiscussFeature Development#user-agent·Apr 28, 2024User Agent Parsing Tool: How to Get My Browser InfoHave you ever heard of a User Agent? Do you know the meaning of the complex string of characters behind it? By reading this article, you'll learn about the User Agent and the significance of the information it carries. You'll also discover how to use...Discussbrowser info·Nov 28, 2023Parsing User Agent with Snowflake & dbtRecently, I had to parse user agent (UA) strings in page view events. I started with a Google search like everyone else, but I wasn’t happy with where I landed, so I decided to share my solution in this post. When you search for "parsing user agent w...Discuss·143 readssnowflake·Nov 28, 2023Browser Fingerprints 101: Automation DetectionBrowser Fingerprinting Browser fingerprinting is a technology to identify and track users, which generates a unique "fingerprint" by collecting information from the browser and device (such as User-Agent, screen resolution, fonts, etc.). This technol...DiscussBrowser FingerprintsAutomation Detection
MD Rashid·Jan 21, 2023Device Detection in modern browsersScenario Earlier The User-Agent HTTP Header is used for quite a long time to detect the browser and device information. Besides, with the increasing demand and making it easy to use, it becomes quite a pain in itself to detect efficiently. What I mea...Discuss·6 likes·30 readsREST API