·Jul 31, 2024Setting Up an USSD Service Using Africa's Talking API with Node.jsUSSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) is a protocol used by GSM cellular telephones to communicate with the network. It is often used for services such as balance inquiries, mobile banking, and more. Africa’s Talking provides an API to handl...DiscussUSSD·Jul 29, 2024# Africa's Talking Libraries and SDKs Open Source Contribution Guideline.This is a brief outline on coming up with libraries and SDKs for the Africa's Talking platform, happy coding 👨🏾💻 The SDK map to each of API endpoints as outlined in the API reference. The functionality it exposes should be grouped/namespaced pe...Discuss·1 like·37 readsatsdk·Jan 16, 2024How to create a USSD application in KenyaMobile phones have come a long way in terms of technological features, however, not all solutions need a mobile application or a web application. A simple USSD application will suffice in some cases. USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service...DiscussUSSD