·Feb 20, 2024c# 时间日期转换引言 日常开发中,经常会遇到字符串和DateTime类型转换、不同时区之间的日期转换。这里讲解下 转换UTC TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime dateTime, TimeZoneInfo sourceTimeZone) 显式指定时区,转换utc var zone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("China Standard Time"); var date = Convert.ToDateTime("19....NET fundamentalsC#·Oct 25, 2023Angular convert UTC date to local dateRecently I came across a situation where we needed to convert the given UTC datetime to the user's local datetime. The solution should be simple and expected to work for Daylight saving time (DST). The date value is coming from API to Angular and the...151 readsAngular
Sundeep·Aug 24, 2015Converting UTC date time from server to local date time on the browser client using JavaScriptThere is this web application that I've been working on.I wanted to be able to handle globalization while displaying datetime on the web page. This datetime was stored on the server in UTC form.I wanted it to be displayed on the client side i.e. the ...29 readsdatetime