Tuanhdotnettuanhnet.hashnode.dev·Dec 4, 2024Facts About UUID Versions: Which Version Should You Use and Why?Source: Facts About UUID Versions: Which Version Should You Use and Why? 1. What is a UUID? UUID stands for Universally Unique Identifier. It is a 128-bit number used to uniquely identify information in computer systems. UUIDs are widely...uuid
Ahmed Nadarahmednadar.hashnode.dev·Nov 30, 2024Implementing Friendly URLs with UUID-Based ModelsI want to share a practical solution to a common challenge in Rails development I face it with almost every application I work with: combining UUID-based models with user-friendly URLs. If you've ever wondered how to maintain the security benefits o...Rails
Aitoraitorfernandez.hashnode.dev·Nov 23, 2024PUID CrateI recently developed my first Rust crate, a library for generating unique IDs. The idea was inspired by Twitter's snowflake and I was looking to bring a similar solution to Rust projects. One of the key requirements I had in mind while creating this ...Rust
ByteScrum TechnologiesforByteScrum Technologiesblog.bytescrum.com·Oct 30, 2024Ultimate Guide to JavaScript Utility FunctionsJavaScript utility functions, commonly known as utils, are reusable helper functions that simplify and optimize code. They abstract out common operations into smaller, easy-to-maintain pieces of logic, enhancing both readability and reusability. In t...46 readsunderscore.js
JnanaforJnana for lifeblog.getjnana.dev·Oct 12, 2024告別整數,迎接 UUIDv7!原文: Goodbye integers. Hello UUIDv7!作者: Gordon Chan Buildkite 過去用兩個鍵值儲存資料。我們用循序主鍵來有效索引,也用 UUID 次要鍵值供外部使用。即將到來的 UUIDv7 標準兩者兼具;它按時間排序的 UUID 主鍵可同時用於索引和外部使用。本文將帶您了解 Buildkite 如何決定採用 UUIDv7 作為主鍵。我們會探討資料庫索引的取捨:從循序整數、隨機 UUID,到時間識別碼。 什麼是 UUID? UUID(通用唯一識別碼)是不...Databases
JnanaforJnana for lifeblog.getjnana.dev·Oct 12, 2024在 MySQL 中使用 UUID 作為主鍵的常見問題原文: The Problem with Using a UUID Primary Key in MySQL作者: Brian Morrison II 用唯一識別碼(UUID)的設計宗旨是讓開發者在不了解其他系統的情況下,以確保唯一性的方式產生獨特的 ID。這在分散式架構中特別有用,因為你可能有多個負責建立記錄的系統和資料庫。你或許認為在資料庫中使用 UUID 作為主鍵是個好主意,但若使用不當,可能會嚴重影響資料庫效能。 本文將探討在 MySQL 資料庫中使用 UUID 作為主鍵的缺點。 UUI...Databases
Arman Jasujaarmanjasuja.hashnode.dev·Jul 22, 2024Django UUIDs... Simple, right?Ah.... Django UUIDs. I had a recent project at my company, where I was migrating a model from our old monolith codebase, to a microservice. In order to uniquely identify the rows across both services, I decided I would add a UUID column to the monoli...1 like·41 readsGeneral Programming
Niclas Blomberglambda-snail.hashnode.dev·Jul 14, 2024Learning SIMD in C++Introduction Lately I've been experimenting with creating my own UUID/GUIDs in C++, mostly for my own learning, and it turned out to be a really good source for learning new things! The UUIDs are based on RFC 9562 and the library includes functions t...My C++ Learning JourneyC++
Dick HardtforHellō Worldblog.hello.dev·Jun 30, 2024New Hellō IdentifiersUpdated July 1, 2024 - we will continue to provide UUIDv4 identifiers to our existing customers. Identifiers are a foundational component of any computing system, and key to an identity service. At Hellō, we have: external identifiers created by oth...1 like·294 readsnanoid
Cloud Tunedcloudtuned.hashnode.dev·Jun 9, 2024Understanding UUIDs: Universally Unique IdentifiersUnderstanding UUIDs: Universally Unique Identifiers UUIDs, or Universally Unique Identifiers, are standardized identifiers used in computer systems to uniquely identify entities without requiring centralized coordination. In this article, we'll explo...uuid