Himanshu Mauryahimanshu-blogs.hashnode.dev·14 hours agoJavaScript Basics - The Language of WebVariables and data types are foundational concepts in programming, serving as the building blocks for storing and manipulating information within a program. Variables are like containers that store information. You can think of them as labeled boxes ...10 likesChaiCode
Rana Vikram Sinhajavascript-basics-the-language-of-the-web.hashnode.dev·Feb 11, 2025JavaScript Basics : A Beginner's GuideJavaScript is known as the language of the web because it makes web pages interactive and dynamic. In this article we will see the key points about javascript → variables, data types, operators, and control flow (using if, else, and switch). By the e...ChaiCode
karankaran5772.hashnode.dev·Feb 8, 2025Variables & DataTypes in JavaScriptVariables in JS Variables are like containers for data, i.e., they store the data.They get memory location in which they store the data They can be iniciated using : let : let is used to initiate the variable when we want to change the contents of t...28 readsJavaScript
SAMEERNAconstructor-chaining-in-java.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2025Variables and Constants in JavaVariables in Java A variable in Java is a container that holds a value of a specific data type. Java is a statically-typed language, which means it is mandatory to declare the data type of a variable before assigning a value. Variables in Java can be...variables
Payal Porwalcodeswithpayal.hashnode.dev·Feb 6, 2025Understanding var, let, and const in JavaScriptWhen working with JavaScript, understanding variable declarations is crucial. JavaScript provides three ways to declare variables: var, let, and const. Each has unique characteristics regarding scope, hoisting, and mutability. Let's explore them in d...1 likeJavaScript
Ayush Rajputrajputayush.hashnode.dev·Feb 5, 20252. All About Variables- JSVariable Scopes → Scope is the area where function or a variable found. → JS have three main type of scopes - global , function and block scope → Global Scope - A variable declared outside any function or block has global scope. It can be accessed...JavaScript
SAMEERNAconstructor-chaining-in-java.hashnode.dev·Feb 5, 2025Variable ShadowingVariable shadowing occurs when a local variable (inside a method, constructor, or block) has the same name and type as an instance variable (declared at the class level). In this case, the local variable takes precedence within its scope. However, yo...Java
Tomas Svojanovskycppmonkey.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2025Understanding C++ Primitive Data TypesC++ provides a set of fundamental data types, also known as primitive data types, which are built directly into the language. These types are essential for storing and manipulating data in a C++ program. The key primitive data types in C++ include: ...C++ for Beginnerscpp
Tomas Svojanovskycppmonkey.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2025Understanding Local and Global Variables in C++Variable declaration plays a crucial role in determining how data is stored and accessed within a program. Local Variables in C++ Local variables are variables declared within a function. Their scope is limited to the function in which they are decla...C++ for Beginnerscpp
Tomas Svojanovskycppmonkey.hashnode.dev·Feb 1, 2025Understanding Variables in ProgrammingVariables are a fundamental concept in programming, serving as an abstraction for memory locations. The Role of Memory in Computing A computer system consists of several core components, including the CPU, memory, and a bus that facilitates data tran...C++ for Beginnerscpp