Ahammed Basha Shaikday-14-of-100-days-challenge.hashnode.dev·Dec 24, 2024Git and GitHub for DevOpsIntroduction In today’s session of the 100 Days of DevOps Challenge, we explored the backbone of modern software development—Git and GitHub. These tools are not just buzzwords; they are indispensable for version control and collaboration in developme...GitHub
Gusgsalazar.hashnode.dev·Dec 15, 2024Compatibilidad Retroactiva en APIs: Estrategias para la Estabilidad y Transiciones GradualesResumen La compatibilidad retroactiva (backward compatibility) es un componente crucial en el desarrollo de APIs, especialmente en sistemas donde múltiples versiones coexisten y los consumidores dependen de integraciones estables. Este documento anal...backward compatibility
Gusgsalazar.hashnode.dev·Dec 15, 2024Estrategias de Versionamiento en APIs: Un Enfoque Basado en RamasResumen El versionamiento es un aspecto esencial en el desarrollo de APIs modernas, particularmente en sistemas donde la estabilidad, la escalabilidad y la trazabilidad son fundamentales. Este documento presenta un enfoque basado en ramas (“branching...APIs
Gift Ayodeledevgifttemitope.hashnode.dev·Oct 8, 2024Know Your Git Commands: A Comprehensive Git Checklist for DevelopersGit is an essential tool for developers, enabling efficient collaboration, version control, and project management. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your Git skills, this checklist covers all the important concepts and commands you need...1 likeProgramming FundamentalsGeneral Programming
Mustapha Abdul-Rasaq (Geekmaros)blog.geekmaros.dev·Sep 15, 2024API Versioning in Laravel 11Why Version Your Laravel App? As a backend engineer, versioning your app is an essential workflow in development. It allows you to make necessary updates without disrupting existing environments or breaking earlier versions of your API. Versioning al...158 readsLaravel
vijayaraghavan vashudevanvjraghavanv.hashnode.dev·Sep 5, 2024Advanced Terraform Module Usage: Versioning, Nesting, and Reuse Across Environments🎯 This article, will explain in detail how to advanced concepts of working with modules, including how to manage versioning, use nested modules, and reuse modules🎯 🌈Synopsis: 🌞Understanding of Terraform modules and learn how to manage modules acr...AWS
Adewole Caleb Erioluwacaleberioluwa.hashnode.dev·Aug 21, 2024How to Implement Data Replication and Versioning in GolangMy recent study of the replication chapter of the DDIA text was quite intense, and not so much fun since I had to process a lot of information. On the bright side, I gained practical insight into how to replicate data and why it is important in a dis...74 readsgolang
Sadra Yahyapourblog.imsadra.me·Aug 16, 2024Python 3.13 - New Features & DeprecationsWe introduced several cool typing and interactive interpreting features in Python 3.12. I discussed all of them here: https://blog.imsadra.me/python312-is-happening Before we go ahead, this is the full patch note about this new release.The biggest ...432 readspython 3.13
Brilliant Makanjujolex.hashnode.dev·Aug 5, 2024Complete Guide to Versioning JavaScript Projects with GitHubTable of Contents Introduction Versioning Strategy Semantic Versioning (SemVer) Version Numbering Branching Strategy GitFlow Workflow Feature Branching Release Branching Hotfix Branching Release Management Creating a GitHub Release Ta...31 readsJavaScript
Opaluwa Emidowo-ojotech-on-diapers.hashnode.dev·Aug 3, 2024Implementing Versioning and Documentation for ASP.NET Core Web APIsWelcome to the 10th installment of the Mastering C# series! Whoop Whoop! I am incredibly proud of all the technical guides and tutorials we've covered so far. Today’s article is a beginner’s guide to versioning and documentingASP.NET.Core APIs. As a ...20 likesDocumentation Engineer