Nikola·Jan 30, 2025Parallel Documents Rendering: A Performance Comparison of VM, Kubernetes and FaaS in AWSTL;DR This blog post summarizes the comparison of the performance of parallel PDF document rendering across three AWS architectures: Virtual Machine (EC2) with Docker and Nginx, Kubernetes (EKS), and Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) using AWS Lambda. The...46 reads #DocumentRendering
sneh·Jan 28, 2025Container FundamentalsUnderstanding Isolation in Containers on Linux Introduction Containerization has revolutionized application deployment by providing lightweight, portable, and efficient environments. The key to achieving isolation in containers lies in leveraging L...34 readscontainers
Marco Sè·Jan 20, 2025Setting Up a VM in the CloudAfter setting up local virtual machines (VMs) in VirtualBox, I felt ready to take things to the next level by setting up VMs in the cloud. While local VMs are a great way to experiment and learn, I knew that working in the cloud would provide me with...DevOps: My JourneyDevops
Marco Sè·Jan 20, 2025Setting Up Local VMsAs I’ve been diving deeper into DevOps, one of the things I realized was the importance of having a controlled environment where I could experiment with tools and configurations without worrying about messing things up. I knew that cloud environments...DevOps: My JourneyDevops
Oladosu Ibrahim·Jan 16, 2025Step-by-Step Guide: Creating a Linux Virtual Machine on Microsoft AzureA virtual machine is a software-based emulation of a physical computer. It runs an operating system (Windows, Linux, etc.) and applications just like a physical computer but relies on virtualization technology to share the physical resources (e.g., C...29 readsCloud
Sai·Jan 12, 2025EC2 InstanceAWS Offers various services and each service has its use cases. EC2 — Compute Service EBS — Storage Service VPC — Network Service CloudFront — CDN Service EC2 ( Elastic Compute Cloud ) : It’s a Virtual Machine in AWS Cloud., It provides scalable comp...ec2
Theresa·Jan 11, 2025How To Add A Data Disk To A Virtual Machine And Initialise It For UseIn this tutorial, we will dive into enhancing your Azure Virtual Machines (VMs) by adding extra storage capacity with data disks. We will cover the entire process, from creating a new data disk to attaching it to your running VM and finally disks
PAVAN·Jan 10, 2025Automating Python Script for Google BigQuery using CrontabAutomation is a powerful tool that saves time and ensures consistency, especially for repetitive tasks like data operations. This guide will walk you through automating the execution of a Python script for Google BigQuery using crontab on a Linux sys...Automation Python Google BigQuery Crontab Linux Data Engineering Task Scheduling Cloud Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Shell Scripting Big Data Python Automation Dev
Magdalene·Jan 8, 2025Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Windows VM, Setting Up and initializing a Data Disk for use on Azure with MacOS.In this tutorial, I would be your guide and give you step-by-step guidelines through the process of creating a virtual machine, attaching a data disk to the virtual machine, remotely accessing the virtual machine and finally, initializing the data di...1 like·35 readsvirtual machine
Neha·Jan 8, 2025Getting Started with Docker: Exploring Its History and ImpactWhat is Docker? Docker is a containerization tool that allows applications to run in isolated environments called containers. These containers share the same operating system (OS) kernel as the host machine, unlike virtual machines, which run their o...Docker