Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Feb 4, 2025WCCC_0to1Brick&Flips For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: “ ZeroTo1”, Brick&Flips takes SonicPi, Hydra & LivecodeLab code and collages it with 3d items and overlays to present 3d items and overlays to present a sketch that is built upon frac...WCCChallengeJavaScript
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Feb 2, 2025WCCC_SnakeChromaticSnakePoetry For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: “ Snake ”, ChromaticSnakePoetry takes the Chromatic Poetry Series: 18 Words Speaking [https://colorscape.illestpreacha.com/poetic-communication-visualization] and turns into ...WCCChallenge#wccchallenge
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Jan 26, 2025WCCC_IllusionSeenCirclesUnSeenCircles? For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: “ Illusion ”, SeenCirclesUnSeenCircles? takes SonicPi & Hydra Code to make an illusionary Audiovisual piece. The Hydra Code is a remix of the following example: https:...WCCChallenge#wccc
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Jan 19, 2025WCCC_SoftPastelWorlds For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: “Soft” PastelWorlds takes LiveCodelab, SonicPi & Hydra Code to make a pastel (which are considered Soft colors) based sketch. To fit the the soft theme, the audio is a slowed down v...WCCChallengeJavaScript
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Jan 12, 2025WCCC_WindDigitalCrossWinds For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: "Wind“, DigitalCrossWinds takesHydra code to mimic how crosswinds may react and intersect Poetry The wind arrives To blow you closer To where? That is for another time As for t...WCCChallenge#wccc
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Jan 5, 2025WCCC_LandscapeForestBuildUp For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: "Landscape“,ForestBuildup takes Locomotion, SonicPi & Hydra code to make a glitchy forest that is being rendered for the user to explore Poem Which colors of the leaves Represent yo...WCCChallengelocomotion
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Dec 28, 2024WCCC_PenPlotterPlotterSplatter For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: "Pen Plotter“, PlotterSplater takes LiveCodeLab Code and imagines the effect of a Plotter that wants a bit of splatter. Poem Plotters Want to Splatter What colors will it put it i...WCCChallengelivecoding
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Dec 15, 2024WCCC_WinterWInterSnowMenGlitch For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: " Winter ”, WinterSnowMenGlitch is coded with Locomotion (For the Snowmen), Python (The blue background to represent the ice element of winter) and SonicPi (For an Audio repre...WCCChallengesonicpi
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Dec 14, 2024WCCC_ ChromaticChromaticSpells&Tales For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: " Chromatic ”, ChromaticSpells&Tales is designed by having the animation be told through chromatic elements. What are the colors trying to say? And how are they trying to mo...38 readsWCCChallenge#wccchallenge
Kofi / Illestpreachablog.illestpreacha.com·Dec 6, 2024WCCC_VoidSlowlyInVoid For this week's Creative Code challenge by @sableRaph: "Void”, SlowlyInVoid is made by having the audio slow down as the animation plays and the visuals eventually end in a void. Coded with Hydra, LiveCodeLab & Locomotion Poetry Into The...WCCChallengeJavaScript