Luca Del·Oct 4, 2023Unlock the Power of JavaScript WeakSet: Mastering a Hidden Gem!In the vast landscape of JavaScript, many powerful features often go unnoticed. One such hidden gem is the WeakSet, an unsung hero of the language that can help you optimize your code and manage memory more effectively. In this article, we'll dive de...248 readsThe JavaScript you don't knowJavaScript
Iman·Mar 29, 2023JavaScript Set and WeakSetIn JavaScript, a set is an object that allows you to store unique values of any type. It is a collection of values where each value occurs only once. The Set object is used to store and retrieve values, and it provides a range of methods to manipulat...209 readsJavaScript
Syed Jafer·Sep 19, 2022WeakMap & WeakSet in JavascriptGarbage Collection Javascript garbage collection is a form of memory management whereby objects that are no longer referenced are automatically deleted and their resources are reclaimed (like cascade delete.) Weak Collections Map and Set's reference...156 readsCourse: Learn Javascript With Usjs