master·Jun 27, 2024WebRTC Application Development: How to Build a Live and Video Streaming AppIn the digital age, live and video streaming applications are more popular than ever. Whether for social media, professional conferencing, online education, or entertainment, the demand for real-time communication platforms is soaring. WebRTC (Web Re...DiscussWebRTC technology
Mozammal Haque·May 16, 2024The Basics of WebRTC: A Beginner's OverviewIn developing applications requiring real-time media communication directly between browsers and devices, WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a crucial tool. Before 2011, achieving such functionality necessitated plugins or alternative methods, b...DiscussWebRTC
Ecosmob·Nov 28, 2023WebRTC vs. Traditional Communication Protocols: A Comparative AnalysisWe have all witnessed a significant shift ever since the advent of WebRTC. This powerful open-source project has redefined real-time communication over the web. As traditional communication protocols like SIP, RTP, and VoIP grapple with the innovatio...DiscussWebRTC
Sandip·Jul 31, 2023What is WebRTC and How Does It Work?The recent pandemic forced businesses to adopt the remote working model, and while email was the preferred communication channel, the communication wasn’t happening in real-time. This increased the demand for alternative business solutions for ensuri...Discusswebrtc applications