Dinesh Kumar Kblog.dineshcloud.in·Oct 13, 2024Control Structures in Shell ScriptingControl structures are essential components of shell scripting that allow you to control the flow of execution based on certain conditions or to repeat tasks. This blog post will explore conditional statements, loops, and case statements, providing y...DiscussLinuxLinux
Arnav SinghforPython for Noobspythonfornoobs.hashnode.dev·Oct 9, 2024Mastering Python Loops: For, While & Nested Loops ExplainedWhat will you learn? ConceptSummary For LoopRepeats a block of code a specific number of times using a sequence. While LoopContinues running a block of code as long as a condition remains true. Nested LoopsA loop inside another loop, useful ...Discuss·10 likesPython for Noobswhile loop python
Akash Dasakashdas7781.hashnode.dev·Sep 11, 2024Introduction to Data Types, Variables, and Control Statements in Java :Java is one of the most popular programming languages, known for its simplicity and robustness. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, understanding the fundamentals like data types, variables, and control statements is essential to writing efficien...DiscussJava
Kandadi Manasakandadimanasa.hashnode.dev·Sep 8, 2024Loops in JavaLoops are used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a specified condition is true. Adaina pani manam repeated ga cheyali ankuna dani loop use cheskoni chestham. Example: thinadam, padukovadam Java loops 4 types, e article lo 3 basic types...Discuss·2 likesLoops
Yagya Goelyagyagoel1.hashnode.dev·Sep 8, 2024Week 1: Golang doesn't have While loopThis week, I learned about array slices, maps, structs (classes in Golang), if-else statements, switch-case, loops, functions, methods, and the defer keyword. Golang is a pretty interesting language with its opinionated syntax that keeps the code lo...Discuss·1 likeGo Language
Alissa Lozhkinalissalozhkin.hashnode.dev·Aug 19, 2024For/While Loops in GoIn addition to conditionals, loops are fundamental constructs that can be used to control the flow of a program. In this post, I will go over how to create and use both for loops and while loops. For loops are used in two cases: either we want to exe...Discussfor-each-loop
QazneticforQazneticqaznetic.hashnode.dev·Jul 18, 2024Panduan Lengkap Memahami While dan Do-While Loops di DartDalam pemrograman, perulangan sangat penting untuk melakukan tugas yang berulang. Selain for loop, Dart menyediakan while dan do-while loop sebagai metode lain untuk melakukan perulangan. Artikel ini akan membahas secara lengkap tentang kedua jenis p...DiscussDart FundamentalsLoops
Rishabh Mishrarishabhmishra.hashnode.dev·Jun 24, 2024Day 6: Diving into Python Functions and LoopsIntroduction Welcome back to my coding journey! Today was all about understanding the core concepts of functions and loops in Python. I also had a fun time applying these concepts in various scenarios through a programming game. Here’s a recap of wha...DiscussPythonreeborg
Rishabh Mishrarishabhmishra.hashnode.dev·Jun 23, 2024Python Learning Day 5: Mastering Loops, Conditions, and Password Generation1. Calculating the Sum of Even Numbers Concept: This program calculates the sum of all even numbers from 1 to a given number, X. It uses a loop and the range() function to iterate through even numbers up to X. Code Explanation: sum = 0 n = int(input(...DiscussPythonPython
Keiran Krishnavenankeiran-portfolio.hashnode.dev·Jun 2, 2024Day 10 of #100DaysOfCode - Simple CalculatorOn Day 10 of #100DaysofCode, I have created a Simple Calculator using the following python concepts I have learned from Dr Angela Yu's 100DaysOfCode: The Complete Python Bootcamp Udemy course: Functions with Outputs Recursion Python Dictionary Wh...Discusspython-dictionary