·Dec 18, 2024Working remotely effectivelyWe are a fully remote company. Not only from the commercial perspective, as we work with clients all around the globe, but also from the operational perspective, as our team is also remotely distributed. Since the very beginning, almost a decade ago,...Productivity
Chi'Va·Dec 16, 2024Chi'Va Work From Anywhere PolicyAt Chi'Va, we recognize the profound shifts in the global workforce and embrace innovation to support our team's well-being, inclusivity, and productivity. Inspired by pioneering models like Spotify's Work From Anywhere (WFA) initiative, our approach...lifeworkbalance
Hamza·Sep 20, 2024Top 10 Websites to Find Remote AI Engineer Jobs in 2024Are you an AI engineer looking for remote work? In today’s tech-driven world, artificial intelligence (AI) is a booming field, and companies are increasingly open to hiring remote AI talent. Whether you're specialized in machine learning, data scienc...28 readsAI
Remote US·Jul 2, 2024Remote Work Tools and Software You Need to KnowSince more and more people are working from home these days, there are special tools to help us stay connected and get things done. These tools are like helpers for remote work, making it smoother and more productive. Imagine you and your teammates a...46 readsRemote work tools·May 10, 2024Flexi-Work Arrangements in Singapore: Maintaining Fair PayIn her insightful CNA article, "No basis for employers to cut pay if flexi-work does not affect productivity: Gan Siow Huang," Davina Tham sheds light on a crucial aspect of contemporary work dynamics and equitable compensation. Gan Siow Huang's asse...flexi-work arrangements
Remote US·Mar 17, 2024Top 5 Productivity Hacks for Working from Home EffectivelyWelcome Techies to blog, Are you working from home? Let’s explore a journey toward supercharging your productivity from the comfort of your home office. In busy tech cities like New York and San Francisco, remote work has become essential, not just a...33 readsremote work·Aug 28, 2023Twingate: The Future of Remote AccessIntroduction Twingate is a cloud-based service that provides secured remote access to an organization’s networks. It’s function is very similar to a business VPN. Twingate makes Zero Trust Network Access (Yes, Buzzword. I know) easy to deploy, even e...384 readszerotrust
Adrianne·Aug 9, 2023A cute pomodoro clock appI just survived Week 2 of the Merit America Data Analytics Cohort. I'm slowly learning the basics and theory of data analytics, from staying curious to how you can gather and find data to asking many questions that need answers. In addition, we get analytics·Jul 30, 20227 Things I learned working as a remote software developerWhen I started my job as a react native developer ~2.5 years ago, working from home was the last thing on my mind. In fact, if anything I wanted to avoid working from home because I had the notion that it is hard to focus and full of distractions, a...1 like·60 readsremote work
Yellow·Jun 23, 2022Four Signs of an in-office toxic workplace and how to deal with them?Regardless of which profession you are or might be, it is essential to surround yourself with uplifting or positive people and a healthy environment that fosters growth. However, even if you find yourself getting stuck in a swamp, there are many thin...44 readsremote work