Ricardo Santosrscybertech.hashnode.dev·Nov 2, 2024TryHackMe | Search Skills | RSCyberTech➡️ By @RSCyberTech Website: RSCyberTech.com LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/ricardoams Platform: TryHackMe Learning Path: Cyber Security 101 Room: Search Skills 1️⃣ Task 1 - Introduction no answer needed 2️⃣ Task 2 - Evaluation of Search Results Wh...138 readstryhackme
Muffinmuffinn.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 20243, [Hackthebox] (Room: DANCING - Very Easy)Task 1 What does the 3-letter acronym SMB stand for? \=> Server Message Block (**Server Message Block (SMB) là một giao thức mạng cho phép các ứng dụng trên một máy tính có thể đọc và ghi tệp cũng như yêu cầu dịch vụ từ các chương trình trên máy tính...Hackthebox#HackTheBox
Muffinmuffinn.hashnode.dev·Aug 16, 20242, [Hackthebox] (Room: FAWN - Very Easy)Cái này dễ thiệt... Task 1 What does the 3-letter acronym FTP stand for? \=> File Transfer Protocol Task 2 Which port does the FTP service listen on usually? \=> 21 Task 3 FTP sends data in the clear, without any encryption. What acronym is used for ...Hacktheboxvery easy
Mauro Carrilloagrawain-writeups.hashnode.dev·Mar 11, 2024Write up | Active - Maquina RetiradaComenzamos validando que tenemos conexión con la maquina y siguiente de este realizamos un escaneo con nmap, donde tenemos lo siguiente: # Nmap 7.94SVN scan initiated Mon Mar 11 10:43:50 2024 as: nmap -sCV -p53,88,135,139,389,445,464,636,3268,3269,57...HTB Machines
Thái Sơnspid3r.hashnode.dev·Dec 21, 2023Writeups Backdoor CTF 2023 | REVOpen Sesame Attachment: open_sesame.apk Here is an easy challenge apk. Use Decompiler.com to decompile this apk file Check sources/com/example/open_sesame/MainActivity.java: package com.example.open_sesame; import android.os.Bundle; import android.v...20 likes·86 readsWriteup
NightHuntersforNight Huntersnighthunter.hashnode.dev·Oct 27, 2023Cache Deception Leads To Account TakeoverToday, I want to write an article about one of my own discovered vulnerabilities known as Cache Deception, which ultimately led to an Account Takeover. If you are not familiar with caching and its vulnerabilities, I recommend reading this blog post: ...cache
Aayush Agrawalnakli-security.hashnode.dev·Oct 27, 2023CozyHosting | HTB Writeup | Aayush AgrawalEstablishing the VPN Connection Download the VPN connection file from HTB, after selecting the desired server (make sure no machines are active on your account at this point). I use OpenVPN so in the terminal type the command, openvpn <address_for_th...121 reads#HackTheBox
Nguyễn Đức TùngforBlueCyber's blogbluecyber.hashnode.dev·Jun 22, 2023Final Exam Blind Hacking 0x01Final Exam Blind Hacking 0x01 không phải là một giải mà đúng hơn thì nó là bài test đầu ra của lớp mà Cookie hân hoan mở. Trong đây có tất cả là 6 lab, 5 lab web và 1 lab misc. Vậy thì bắt đầu bước vào giải hết các lab thôi. K01FE Sanity Check Bài m...1 like·187 readsCTF WriteupsCTF Writeup