Shruti·Apr 29, 2024Everything about my journey that got me where I amThree years ago, if someone had told me I’ll be able to inspire other people (especially women) by sharing my story, I would not have believed them. Things didn’t change overnight of course. Everything I am today is because of years and years of hard...17 likes·326 readsInspiration
Eleftheria·Feb 8, 2021🌍Image Gallery-Flex Panel (Flexbox + JS) [YouTube LIVE]!⬇️ In this video I 'll show you how to build a modern flex gallery using flexbox and transitions. The JS part is going to be super simple while the emphasis is going to be on the CSS. video starts at: 0:07 My Codepen projects Working Project Images...10 likes·119 reads🖱CSS Art and small HTML/CSS/JS projects [Codepen]youtuber
Eleftheria·Feb 7, 2021🌍Analog Clock (CSS + JS)[NO audio] [YouTube LIVE]!⬇️ In this video, I 'll show you how to create a simple yet elegant analog clock! Note: There is no audio in this video :) My Codepen projects Working Project Cubic animation Video tutorial The inspiration for this project is coming by Javascript3...46 reads🖱CSS Art and small HTML/CSS/JS projects [Codepen]youtube