Basics of Python-8

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

Basics of Python-8

Day 8

Dictionary :

An unordered collection of data types that has a "Key" and "Value".

The key is immutable whereas the value is mutable.

Let's solve a problem :

  1. Write a python program to sort a dictionary based on keys.
from collections import OrderedDict


#this will sort on the basis of key

output :

More Problems :

Write a python program to Sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value

Write a python program to Handle missing keys in Python dictionaries

Write a python program to find the sum of all items in a dictionary

Write a python program to find the size of a Dictionary

Write a python program to Merge two Dictionaries

Write a python program to create a grade calculator in Python

Write a python program to Check the order of characters in a string using OrderedDict( )

Write a python program to Find common elements in three sorted arrays by dictionary intersection

Write a python program to Find all duplicate characters in a string

Write a python program to Replace String with Kth Dictionary value

Write a python program to remove a key from the dictionary

Write a python program to Replace words from the Dictionary

Write a python program to Remove Dictionary Key Words

In my next blog, you will get to know about loops in python.

Thank you!