Fix: Cache data may be lost when replacing the getAllPosts field of a Query object in Apollo client.

Fix: Cache data may be lost when replacing the getAllPosts field of a Query object in Apollo client.

Supposing we have a getAllPosts query that returns all posts. When we perform a delete operation using the recently released Apollo v3 and uses refetchQueries to update our UI, we are greeted with this warning:

Cache data may be lost when replacing the getAllPosts field of a Query object.

To address this problem (which is not a bug in Apollo Client), define a custom merge function for the Query.getAllOccupants field, so InMemoryCache can safely merge these objects:

  existing: [{"__ref":"postData:5f650581d6cbc41abf422cd3"},{"__ref":"postData:5f6505a9d6cbc41abf422cd4"}]
  incoming: [{"__ref":"postData:5f650581d6cbc41abf422cd3"}]

For more information about these options, please refer to the documentation:

  * Ensuring entity objects have IDs:
  * Defining custom merge functions:

To fix this issue, simply locate the file where you did your Apollo set up and update your InMemoryCache with typePolicies like so:

  // This method has always worked for me.
  const cache = new InMemoryCache({
    typePolicies: {
      Query: {
        fields: {
          getAllPosts: {
            merge(existing, incoming) {
              return incoming;

Another option is to return merge: true

  const cache = new InMemoryCache({
    typePolicies: {
      Query: {
        fields: {
          getAllPosts: {
            merge: true,

Another option is to return the ids of all the queries. Whichever way, one of these should work for you.

You can add other queries that gets that same error after a delete operation. In this case let's add getAllAuthors query that throws the same error when an author is deleted.

  const cache = new InMemoryCache({
    typePolicies: {
      Query: {
        fields: {
          getAllPosts: {
            merge(existing, incoming) {
              return incoming;
         getAllAuthors: {
            merge(existing, incoming) {
              return incoming;