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Mudassar Ali's photo

Hello there! I'm Dr Mudassar, a passionate DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) student with a flair for web development.

Lahore , Pakistan
Member Since Jan, 2024

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About Me

Hey, I'm Mudassar Ali, a spirited DPT (Doctor of Physical Therapy) student who's not just healing bodies but also coding solutions. My journey delves into the fascinating world of web development, where lines of code become tools for change. By day, I'm immersed in the complexities of physical therapy, and by night, I'm crafting innovative web experiences.

🚀 Bridging Worlds: As a dual-threat in the realms of healthcare and technology, I bridge the gap between patient care and pixel perfection. From rehabilitating limbs to writing elegant code, I find beauty in both.

🌐 Web Wizardry: My coding odyssey includes mastering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, dancing with frameworks like React.js, and orchestrating symphonies of pixels to create seamless user interfaces.

👩‍💻 Coding for a Cause: Beyond the screen, I'm on a mission to use technology for social good. Whether it's designing accessible healthcare apps or creating platforms that amplify educational experiences, my code serves a purpose.

📚 Student by Day, Developer by Night: In the pursuit of a DPT degree by day, I moonlight as a developer. Balancing the science of rehabilitation with the art of coding, I'm proof that diverse passions can coexist and thrive.

🎓 Continuous Learner: With a heart for learning, I embrace challenges, constantly leveling up my skills. Join me on this adventure of growth, where each line of code is a step towards a healthier, tech-infused future.

My Tech Stack

Web DevelopmentHTMLJavaScriptReactFrontend Development

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Recent Activity

Jan 30

Wrote an article