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Raghav Kavimandan's photo

Software Developer || Java || Python || React.js || Node.js || MySQL || Interested in full stack development and Machine Learning || CSE '23

Amravati, India
Member Since Aug, 2022

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About Me

A Software Developer with a multifaceted work Experience of 1+ years of developing software applications with prowess in the field of web development and Machine Learning. Interested in AI, Web Designing, and DevOps. I am proficient in java, python, C, JavaScript, and frameworks like Flask, ReactJs, and Django. An open-source enthusiast, always ready to collaborate and create state-of-the-art software designs that directly impact society.

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Python 3JavaHTML CSS JAVASCRIPTreact jsFlaskDjangoGitShow all

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Aug 28 2022

Wrote an article