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Hamza Mbareche's photo

Researcher, trainer, consultant, and author.

Toronto, ON, Canada
Member Since Mar, 2023

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Hamza Mbareche

Hamza Mbareche

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About Me

Senior scientist Hamza Mbareche specializes in bioaerosols, the microbiome, molecular biology, and bioinformatics. An expert on infectious diseases, viral transmission, and public health, Mbareche is also a researcher, trainer, consultant, and author. His mission is to elevate health, well-being, and patient care.

The foundation of his expertise is built on his graduate research of next-generation sequencing technologies applied to bioaerosols. At the time, he was searching for a way to define the microbial diversity of both fungi and bacteria in the air of several environments, aiming to characterize the population’s occupational exposure.

He believes in building cumulative knowledge in the field of science through collaboration. With this in mind, he designed and delivered specialized training regarding sequencing to diverse audiences, including undergraduate and graduate students, as well as hospital staff.

Hamza Mbareche has been published in several peer-viewed, top-ranked journals spanning multiple fields, including Applied and Environmental Microbiology, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, and The Lancet Digital Health. Additionally, he has also published a chapter as a single author called “Next-Generation Sequencing in Environmental Mycology. A Useful Tool?” in the Encyclopedia of Mycology, edited by the academic publishing house Elsevier. He has authored approximately 30 scientific articles cited 585 times in the last five years.

The future of his research lies at the intersection of infectious disease, genomics, bioinformatics, public health, and science outreach, exploring scientific fields and applying his skills to have a positive impact on the health and well-being of others.

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Aug 1 2023

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