Added co-author support, revamped editor, optimised fonts, and more!


Fazle Rahman


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Over the last few months at Hashnode, we worked on improving the writing experience. We focused on features that makes writing on Hashnode easier and more accessible, with that we released co-author support, optimised fonts, badges overhaul and, UI improvements. Let's dive in to see what's new.

1. Co-author support

Have articles that is written by multiple authors and want to mention them? With our latest co-author support, you can now add upto five co-authors to an article. This feature is useful when an article is written by two or more writers, allowing the admin to give equal credit to each contributor.

Here's how you can enable this in a team publication:

  • Inside the editor, go to the Settings pane on the right.

  • Scroll down to Co-authors as shown in the picture below and add co-authors.

2. Improvements to the editor

In continued efforts to improve the user experience on Hashnode, we shipped some changes to the editor that includes:

  • UI improvements - Re-organized the drafts bar and publish panel to provide a more consistent editing experience.

    • Some of the updates are:

      • On the drafts section :-

        • Better spaced items, be it posted or draft articles.

        • Favorites is now pinned on draft items.

        • The back button is now shifted to bottom for better UX.

  • On the publish panel :-

    • We have added consistent label and descriptive design along with new form fields.

    • Publish button within sidebar now appears at bottom with code of conduct link.

    • We introduced sections within the right sidebar to better group related fields like SEO and Scheduling opts etc.

Find the new changes in your editor here.

  • Improved accessibility support - To improve accessibility, we have added the ability to access menus with keyboard and added form labels for each field in our publish sidebar.

3. Optimised fonts

We've added new fonts to boost performance and privacy. We used next/font from Next.js to load our Google fonts rather than directly accessing the Google Fonts API.

It helped in improving:

  • Performance - Fonts served from the deployment region load swiftly and virtually eliminate FOUT, even when the browser cache is disabled. This improvement brought us close to a "0" CLS on Pagespeed for both mobile and desktop, enhancing the first-load user experience.

  • Privacy - next/font helps us to better adhere to GDPR regulations for our users without compromising performance.

See it in action below ๐Ÿ‘‡

4. Toast Design Update

The design of all toast notifications has been updated to align with the Hashnode UI's overall look and provide more descriptive feedback, ensuring users receive accurate information.

Want to see the new design in action? Perform any action like saving/scheduling an article and here's how it will look:

5. Badges overhaul

Badges in Hashnode are a fun way for authors to take part in challenges, earn them and stand out in the dev community. To enhance their appeal and shareability, we've refreshed the design of the badges. Additionally, we've incorporated a badge widget into user profiles and updated previous badge designs.

To view these changes, navigate to your Hashnode profile and scroll down to the dedicated badges section to see it in action.

Here's how the new badges look ๐Ÿ‘‡

That's it for this update! We're back to our drawing board, eagerly crafting future improvements. As always, we'd love to hear from you.

Join us on Discord to share feedback, if any. Happy blogging, Hashnoders!