Hashnode AI is now free for all!


Fazle Rahman


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Last week we announced that Hashnode AI is now free for all users. This makes Hashnode the only large scale blogging platform to have AI features free for all.

We are making use of the gpt3.5-turbo model for all our AI operations. PRO users will continue to have access to gpt-4, including gpt-4 vision for generating image alt text blog covers.

Here's everything you can do with Hashnode AI:

Rephrase articles

Hashnode AI can be used to write better and faster, you can ask it to:

  • Rewrite - Enhance your writing, fix grammar and spelling, simplify the text, switch to US English, or shorten it to a sentence or paragraph.
  • Modify - Make your text shorter, summarize, lengthen, or make it clearer.

  • Change tone - Make your writing casual, friendly, professional, or other styles.

  • Transform the structure - Change your text into a bullet list or numbered list.

Start a new draft and begin writing to try out Hashnode AI!

Generating SEO titles and description

Hashnode's AI can help you with SEO by creating titles and descriptions that are search engine-friendly, helping you reach more readers.

Go to the Publish button in the upper right-hand corner of your article draft, scroll down to the SEO title and SEO description fields, and then click on the Generate with Hashnode AI button to let Hashnode AI write a title and description for you.

Access to Hashnode AI chatbot

Our contextual AI chatbot can help you with an outline, creative ideas, or detailed explanations on complex topics. It understands the context of your content, making it great for research and collaborative writing.

Access the chatbot from our editor by clicking the Hashnode AI Chatbot icon next to Saved at the beginning of the page or use the shortcut Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + K.

The chatbot comes with some pre-populated fields. You can either select one of these or type in your query.

Use Hashnode AI directly from the editor

You can also access Hashnode AI from the editor using our slash commands, just type /ai to access the tools. It can help you generate an outline, summarize an article and generate code.

Generating blog covers and ALT text for images

If you are a Hashnode PRO user, you have exclusive access to gpt 4 and gpt 4 vision models, which can help you create blog cover images and add ALT text to images.

Here's how you can do it:

  • To generate a cover image, go to the Add Cover option at the beginning of your article, select AI(early preview), enter your prompt, and click Generate. Hashnode AI will then create a cover image based on your prompt.

  • To add ALT text to images, select the image to which you want to add ALT text, click on the Add ALT text button, then click Generate with Hashnode AI. Watch as Hashnode AI analyzes the image and generates an ALT text for it.

We hope this new addition will improve your writing experience on Hashnode. Create a new draft today to try Hashnode AI.