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View previous changelogs

GitHub Integration, Redesigned TOC, Rix.Chat, and AI Boosts


Fazle Rahman


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Hello everyone, I'm Fazle, co-founder of Hashnode. I'm thrilled to introduce this new format of our changelog. Over the past few weeks, we've been working hard to ship numerous upgrades and new features to Hashnode. In this changelog, we'll highlight the most important ones.

Changelog explanation and demos from me: 👇

Publish from GitHub

Publish from Github

We're excited to announce that you can now publish articles directly from your private GitHub repositories to your Hashnode blogs. To do this, simply install the Hashnode app on GitHub and connect it to your blog dashboard. Here's how:

  1. Go to your blog dashboard.

  2. Click on GitHub settings.

  3. If you're a Hashnode Pro user, you'll see a tab called "Publish from GitHub".

  4. Click on the "Connect" button.

  5. Follow the steps and instructions on GitHub's installation screens, and you're all set.

Please note that when using this feature, make sure to create a new private repository on GitHub. Additionally, set up a different repository than the one used for GitHub backup on Hashnode.

Backup Drafts to GitHub

Backup Drafts to GitHub

Hashnode always had backup articles to GitHub repository and it's available to all Hashnode users for free. Now, we have a new Pro-only feature for backing up unpublished drafts to GitHub as well.

  1. Go to your blog dashboard.

  2. Head over to GitHub settings.

  3. Under "Backup to Github", you would see a new tab called "Drafts".

  4. If you are doing this for the time, you can backup all your previous drafts at one go by clicking on the button, "Backup all drafts".

Alternatively, we also have a handy button inside the editor as well.

  1. Open a draft inside the Hashnode Editor.

  2. Click on the more options dropdown in the editor header, and choose "Backup this draft".

Screenshot showing the editor header dropdown

New Callout block for the editor

There are instances when we want to highlight certain section inside our article to grab reader's attention. We generally use bold, italic, and underline to highligh them. Now, you can use the new Callout block in such situations.

Just Type /callout and select callout block to start using it.

New Callout block for the editor

Here's how a callout looks like.

Table of contents redesign

One of the most common complaints from Hashnode readers was that the "Table of contents" takes a lot of space and stays persistently on the top while scrolling. We have redesigned it and now it takes way less space and is still always available when needed at the bottom action bar.

Table of contents redesign

Community Likes

One of the reasons developers blog on Hashnode is that it has some amazing community features such as likes, comments, follow, etc. Now, Hashnode blogs also have the new "Community Likes" component on the top of the articles. It displays your article fans on the top and further enhances your authority on the web.

Community Likes

We introduced a new product called "" for the Hashnode users. It's a perfect AI search companion built for all the developers. Rix has three interesting search modes: web search, quick mode, and code writers. We have explained each one of them in detail in the following video. Give it a read and let us know what you think.

Various AI enhancements to the editor

  1. Convert article into to Tweet thread using editor's inline AI chatbot.

  2. We upgraded to GPT-4-32k model so that our chatbot is aware of your full draft content.

  3. AI SEO generation for article subtitle.

  4. New rephrase tools

    1. Simplify Language,

    2. Rewrite as a Single Paragraph, and others.

Various AI enhancements to the editor

I hope you enjoyed these updates to Hashnode. If you have any feedback or comments, please share them on Discord or Twitter. :)

- Fazle Rahman, ceo & co-founder, Hashnode