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A new dawn on Hashnode: Redesigned feed, Advanced post editing, AI-enhanced social sharing, and more!


Fazle Rahman


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Hello Hashnoders!

We've been busy listening to your feedback and working on some impressive improvements. Our latest update offers several new features and refinements aimed at enhancing your experience and empowering you to write and share more effectively. Here's a rundown of what's new:

1. An overhauled Hashnode feed

We've majorly revamped Hashnode's main home feed, emphasizing content readability and providing a clutter-free interface. Now, your favorite articles, people you follow, and the tags you love are showcased in a much more aesthetically pleasing and accessible manner.

Hashnode redesign screenshots

We've replaced the leftside navigation bar with a global header menu, accessible from all Hashnode pages. For our friends who navigate the web using keyboards, you'll appreciate a host of accessibility improvements we've made, from color contrast enhancements to keyboard-friendly navigation. Plus, there's a new "Read count" feature that lets you gauge the popularity of an article at a glance.

✨ Check out the new feed

2. Edit scheduled posts seamlessly

We know the creative process can be fluid - so we're making it easier to tweak your scheduled posts. No more unscheduling posts to make edits! Now, you can directly modify your scheduled posts, making those last-minute touch-ups a breeze.

Hashnode article scheduling

Here's how you can schedule an article:

  1. Select "Draft settings" from the dropdown menu in the editor's header.

  2. Scroll down to "Schedule your article" settings.

  3. Select a date and time.

  4. Click on "Schedule" button on the top right.

✍️ Start a new draft

3. Transform your articles into LinkedIn posts & Twitter threads

Ready to take your social sharing game to the next level? With the new in-editor AI Chatbot, you can instantly turn your articles into optimized LinkedIn posts and Twitter threads. Write once, share everywhere!

Hashnode AI article transformation to Twitter and LinkedIn thread

Once you are done writing the article, open Hashnode AI Chatbot (or cmd/ctrl + shift + k) and select a predefine Twitter Thread or Linkedin Post prompt.

⚡️ Try it out

4. Preview tab in raw markdown mode

For our Markdown purists, we've added a new preview tab in the Raw Markdown editor. You can now see your beautifully formatted content as you code it, without having to switch to WYSIWYG.

Hashnode Preview Tab in Raw Markdown Mode

📝 Go to Editor

5. Bug fixes

We never stop working to improve Hashnode. Here's a rundown of the bugs we've squashed recently:

  • Latex Usability Issue: Previously, if you typed something in the Latex bar, switched tabs, and then came back, your incomplete work would be gone. Now, your progress is saved and ready to be picked up where you left off.

  • AI in Callout Block Bug: Clicking on the 'Ask AI' option in a callout block used to trigger a scroll jump to the top of the page. We've fixed this issue to maintain your reading flow.

  • Embed After Callout Block Issue: We discovered that embeds placed after a callout block would disappear when the editor was refreshed. That's fixed now, too!

As always, we're grateful for your feedback and suggestions. It helps us shape the platform and ensure that Hashnode remains your go-to place for sharing ideas and knowledge.

That's it for now! We're already working on some more exciting updates, so stay tuned. Connect with our team on Discord and Twitter. Happy blogging, Hashnoders!

- Fazle, ceo & co-founder, Hashnode