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Jon Dixon



5.1K reads


Aug 28, 2022

Great blog. Yes, REST enabled SQL is a game changer for all enterprise apps going forward.

·1 reply
Jon Dixon
Jon Dixon
·Aug 31, 2022


Apr 14, 2023

Jon, great blog! But I'm not sure this is useful for me to create a REST service to receive as a "callback" the username, the password and other fields at the same time. I need to create a REST Service to receive the status change of an item of another web platform. The endpoint must receive this: { “user”: <user>, “password”: <password>, “idServer”: <idServer>, “idClient”: <idClient>, “idStatusChanged”: <idStatus> } And respond { “notifyResult”: true} or { “notifyResult”: false}

It's possible to use ORDS on this manner?

Thanks a lot!

·2 replies
Jon Dixon
Jon Dixon
·Apr 16, 2023

For sure, you can create an ORDS endpoint that is called by the other platform. The other platform would POST the JSON you describe, perform the appropriate processing, and returns the response you describe. I discuss using ORDS for Webhooks in this post

Apr 18, 2023

Jon Dixon Thanks a lot!

Jagadeesh N
Jagadeesh N
Sep 4, 2023

Jon, Thanks for the in detail information, I have followed all the steps and getting error "The URL of this remote server does not point to an REST Enabled SQL Service. Please check the details of your REST Enabled SQL Service definition." even after doing all the setups. Endpoint URL is working fine in postman but not in APEX rest enabled sql services. Any idea?

Here I am trying to connect remote database from primary database APEX

·2 replies
Jon Dixon
Jon Dixon
·Sep 4, 2023

Just to confirm, you have tested REST Enabled SQL on the target instance from Postman using a REST Enabled SQL URL, e.g. Assuming this is the case, make sure the Schema you are creating your REST Source in can access the target URL. Do you have an Access Control List (ACL) setup? First try accessing using apex_web_service, as suggested here:

Jagadeesh N
Jagadeesh N
Sep 4, 2023

Jon Dixon Thankyou for the quick response. Can you please let me know what would be the username and password in make_rest_request API and Do you have any reference links how to set up PL/SQL Network ACL for the APEX schema user?
