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JD Lien



329 reads


Constantin Brîncoveanu
Constantin Brîncoveanu
Sep 6, 2022

Hi JD,

thank you for this article and idea! I agree that our education system has its weaknesses.

There are some learning platforms that try to follow similar approaches. As you mentioned, Stack Overflow is doing it well (even though maybe it's not primarily a learning platform).

  • earning badges
  • experience points
  • leveling up
  • social rewards
  • having meaningful interactions with peers or mentors

I also like the idea of real money as a reward. That might be difficult to set up from a business perspective. But it's a great motivator!

Best, Constantin

·1 reply
JD Lien
JD Lien
·Sep 6, 2022

Thanks Constantin!

Maybe money could be a component if you set up something a little bit like a Fiverr for people who have some of the basic skills established. But indeed, there are probably lots of good ideas from Stack Overflow that could be modelled on a platform like this.
