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Tolulope Adelanwa



36 reads


Abhishek Joshi
Abhishek Joshi
Sep 24, 2022

Hey, Its Abhishek here from India.

Its great to see that you are going good with the new chapter in your life i.e. "Product Management". I would like to know more of it. I am also an aspiring PM and would like to seek some insights of this field. Currently I'm into Mechanical Engineering Field designing Electric Buses. I also have an experience in Biomedical Industry (overall 4+ yrs of experience). The current job role and responsibilities is quite similar to the PM role. Can you help me in helping to shape my career in PM.

Thanks, Abhishek

·1 reply
Tolulope Adelanwa
Tolulope Adelanwa
·Sep 26, 2022

Hello Abhishek, nice to meet your acquaintance. Thank you for the kind words.

I would say to add to your years of experience in similar job roles and responsibilities, to go for an internship training where you understand the specifics related to PM role and also portfolio Bootcamp training where you gather practical experience from projects assigned to you. I particularly like the one I'm on, it's online Do let me know if this helps.

Thanks, Tolu
