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Julian Ewers-Peters



15.5K reads


Victor Hugo Garcia Hernandez
Victor Hugo Garcia Hernandez
Nov 10, 2022

Thanks Julian for sharing this article. I find it really useful!

For the transparent background of the image in the <MauiSplashScreen> have you tried? #00FFFFFF

It is just curiosity if the ALPHA HEX works :)

·1 reply
Julian Ewers-Peters
Julian Ewers-Peters
·Nov 10, 2022

I'm happy that you find it useful ☺️

Indeed, I've tried that and if I remember correctly, the background was completely black then, but in both configurations. Not quite sure anymore, though.

Hugo Cruz
Hugo Cruz
Aug 27, 2023

Thanks! It works perfectly! Do you already have a tutorial for iOS?

Muffadal Khopoliwala
Muffadal Khopoliwala
Sep 27, 2023

Hi Julian Ewers-Peters,

I tried the approach with .Net 7 on MAUI to support light and dark mode for splash screen with following steps but it doesn't seem to work as per following:

  1. I have set the splash screen as below:

<MauiSplashScreen Include="Resources\Splash\splash.svg"/>

  1. The "@color/colorPrimaryDark" for "styles.xml" in both "values" and "values-night" takes the value #1B3147 for bacground color of splash screen and not what I have mentioned in "colors.xml".

  2. Here is the configuration of "MainActivity.cs":

[Activity(Theme = "@style/MyTheme", MainLauncher = true, ConfigurationChanges = ConfigChanges.ScreenSize | ConfigChanges.Orientation | ConfigChanges.KeyboardHidden, ScreenOrientation = ScreenOrientation.Portrait)]

So, please let me know what I am missing on my side to make it work. Awaiting you reply.
