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Itay Braun



78 reads


Alex K.
Alex K.
Nov 14, 2022

What is the impact of using OpenTelemetry on the app server? It sounds interesting and I would like to try it out, but still curious, would it slow down my servers? I'm using Node.JS 19.0

·2 replies
Itay Braun
Itay Braun
·Nov 26, 2022

OpenTelemetry is designed for busy production environments and is "battle-tested" by many large organizations. There is a minor impact on performances, you can read more about the benchmarks here: . In our tests, we saw an impact of less than 1% in the overall avg query duration. For a super busy production DB, it probably makes sense to sample the queries, say 1 out of 20.

Alex K.
Alex K.
Nov 27, 2022

Itay Braun Thanks for the clarification!
