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Gajender Tyagi


Jeff Tickner
Jeff Tickner
Nov 14, 2022

Gajender, good start here, can't wait until you show how to manage DDS ;) After all the primary strength of IBM i is DB2 and very few users have completed the conversion to DDL. Git can be used with ANY language since to Git it's just text files, the challenge is the Build.

Thanks Jeff

·3 replies
Raul Alberto Jager Weiler
Raul Alberto Jager Weiler
Nov 14, 2022

It will be a better idea to abandon DDS, and move to SQL for data base and HTML for user interface.

Jeff Tickner
Jeff Tickner
Nov 14, 2022

Could not agree more, but if I told a business, BEFORE you can use git you have to convert 1000 PF and LFs to SQL, then they wouldn't use git. Far better to say let's adopt git and manage the modernization with it because now you have one tool to manage your DB, your business logic and your interface. Git is fine with a conversion because it's a delete of DDS and a new SQL member and Make can handle the dependencies just fine once you've created the makefile. Git is fine with managing DDS and Make can handle it just fine as well once it has the appropriate instructions in the makefile Raul Alberto Jager Weiler

Gajender Tyagi
Gajender Tyagi
·Nov 15, 2022

Jeff Tickner Thank you for the points you mentioned here. Maybe I will use a few DDS with program sources as a case study to show the build process and source management.
