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David de Esteban



263 reads


Jonathan Mmadu
Jonathan Mmadu
Mar 10, 2023

This is nice. I did not know that the text-decoration property can be broken down like that to solve this issue of browser compatibility.. Thanks for sharing. I gain a lot from this article

·1 reply
David de Esteban
David de Esteban
·Mar 12, 2023

Thank you for the feedback. Happy to know!

Timonwa Akintokun
Timonwa Akintokun
Mar 12, 2023

This was great, I always make it a habit of writing the long form of a CSS property instead of the shorthand. And I started doing this because of the transition property. Some people tend to set the transition property to "all" which whichs transitions all the properties of an element even when it is only one of the property they want to transition. That makes waste of the browsers resources especially when they use transition:all; on a lot of elements. So I figured that using background : red; for example, could do the same to the browser resources also. If I am only going to use a shorthand to define just one property, then I should use the long form instead. It's good to know that shorthand does actually cause compatibility issues.

·2 replies
David de Esteban
David de Esteban
·Mar 12, 2023

Thanks for the feedback, and thank you for sharing your thoughts on setting transition properties, I was not aware of it. In general it's nice to know the reason behind following certain good practices that on first impression seem to make our work harder.

Timonwa Akintokun
Timonwa Akintokun
Mar 12, 2023

David de Esteban We learn new things everyday. 🥰

Mar 10, 2023

This has been an issue since Netscape and IE were around. Things now are way better than they were before, but developers are much less caring about it and let a framework take care of it. It baffles me that this is something "new".

·2 replies
David de Esteban
David de Esteban
·Mar 12, 2023

That's right, thanks to today's frameworks and libraries, 'outsider' developers like me, without a degree on Computer Science, are able to move relatively fast in the learning curve. In a matter of months we become somewhat productive. The price to pay is that we skip a few fundamentals in the process and many times is not that we don't care, we just 'don't know what we don't know'. That is the motivation behind this article, to tell fellow beginning developers about how I encountered an issue that was a couple layers deeper than the problems caused by usual beginner's mistakes.

Mar 13, 2023

David de Esteban I will be honest on this and tell you that you do not learn this from a degree in Computer Science, that is YOUR misconception. Maybe the learning tracks have changed now, but web development was very new in the first 2000s. I learn to do web development on my own, in my last year in high school (mostly HTML, Javascript, and Flash) and first year in my commuter friendly university, bought a book called ASP (similar to PHP, the Microsoft version) and learned backend development. I read the book cover to cover, and did all the examples, and took a part time job for a small startup... now defunct (All the developers at that company had learned on their own as well). I tried really hard, paid attention to the internal setup, and read all I could on now forums as there were not as many online resources as they are now. I was able to get my masters in Computer Science and be sponsored for it as a research assistant, because of all the time I spent on my own programming, taking side projects, and exploring on my own while studying. So this 'outsider' developer should not be used as an excuse or victimization, the online resources today are far better than those I started with. Anyone can be a good web developer without a CS degree, you will not be writing a lLinux kernel from web development experience (that is a completely different type of programming). The inconsistencies between platforms and browsers is not a surprise.
