10.2K reads
it helped me. thanks
hello palak
i tried to follow all the steps as mentioned in the blog, maven step is failing could you please help to resolve the user
Stage "Maven Test" skipped due to earlier failure(s)
Hi Jennifer, can you send me the Jenkins pipeline logs on LinkedIn. I will help you out.
maven needs to be 3.9.1 I tried and JAVA_HOME needs to be put properly.
bhaskar teja sorry do you mind explaining
bhaskar teja pls explain
Thumbs up.
Hi.. Can you Shere me some more to practice..
Really informative and efficient to add in profile
Hi i didnt find this repository in github. can u please provide me link to practice
The name of the repository has changed from javaWebApp to this
well explained
Hello Palak, thanks for the blog. I followed the steps taken, but I'm having errors on the Maven build step. "Failed to execute goal [32morg.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile[m [1m(default-compile)[m on project [36mWebApp[m: [1;31mFatal error compiling[m: error: invalid target release: 17 ->"
at step 3 what is the reason behind creating another instance we already created an instance and installed docker.io in it