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Andrei Zgirvaci



221 reads


Sabian Finogwar
Sabian Finogwar
May 4, 2023

Andrei, yes, what you said about unrealistic deadlines, underpaid work, and constant pressure reflects so much of what people don't need.

I think you sharing about starting meditation, replacing coffee and alchohol with calming teas will be helpful for many people.

I'm curious, what's one of the ways you're a better husband, friend, and others that you're the happiest about?

·2 replies
Andrei Zgirvaci
Andrei Zgirvaci
·May 5, 2023

Anxiety motivated me to look more inwards in order to find answers than expect to get them from outside.

I started too be more curious and more comfortable in my solitude. I found issues, insecurities and fears that I was not aware of before.

I started to work on them slowly day by day. I am always a work in progress, but I improved a lot on my past issues which I am not putting on other people anymore or if I do, it's way less often than before.

That's why I consider that I am a better man after going through anxiety than before.

Hope it helps. 🙂

Sabian Finogwar
Sabian Finogwar
May 26, 2023

Andrei Zgirvaci Yes, and I asked because your answer will be valuable for others reading this too.

I'm familiar with meditation, some Buddhism, and the cognitive sciences, which I implement in my own company & social skills community, so what you said about being comfortable with solitude relates to what I call "settling the mind", simply stopping everything so the dust can settle down and your view becomes clear, so you can see more detail, and see further.

Would you describe it like this, or what do you think?

Gemma Black
Gemma Black
May 4, 2023

Caffeine is a big one for me. I realized how much it affected me too, even in things like green tea and hot chocolate.

Instead of meditating, I started journaling which helps to slow the mind to a speed that I can type.

Exercise; I do need to start that but I'm so far convincing myself to do cleaning and maintenance instead... which gives me the joys of a tidy home too.

Slowing down and not trying to do too much has helped a lot...but I also get anxious from procrastinating and letting things build up. So I need to strike a balance.

But thank you for your article. It's reassuring that it's not an uncommon problem

·1 reply
Andrei Zgirvaci
Andrei Zgirvaci
·May 5, 2023

You are very welcome!

It's indeed about finding the balance!
