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Anca G



1.2K reads


David Smiles
David Smiles
Mar 25, 2024

Great article. Really interesting. I've forked the repo and attempted compile the code, but hitting a compilation error using Java 17 LTS. Is this the latest code? Kind regards, David

·2 replies
Anca G
Anca G
·Mar 25, 2024

Hi David, thanks for reading and giving feedback! It's been a while since the demo was created, and it definitively needs an upgrade. The Lambda function was using Java 11 (as it was the latest runtime supported at the time), while the rest of the project is using 17. I'll have a look; I'm sure some improvements are due. In the meantime, can you please tell me a bit more about when/how you're experiencing the error and what the message is?

David Smiles
David Smiles
Mar 25, 2024

Anca G Hi Anca, I updated the POM to that latest dependencies and that resolved a lot of errors (Lombok being the main one needing updating).

All of the ShipmentServiceIntegrationsTest PASS.

However, the tests for MessageReceiverIntegrationTest and LambdaIntegrationTest are failing. Various connection related errors, plus errors creating Lambda functions and invalid JSONObjects.

Some of the value placeholders are not getting replaced correctly and then failing.

For example. Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'amazonS3Config': Injection of autowired dependencies failed


Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'aws.credentials.access-key' in value "${aws.credentials.access-key}"
