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Paul-Sebastian Manole



832 reads


Francesc Travesa
Francesc Travesa
Aug 11, 2023

No, I don't think you are alone in seeing this trap. I actually just tried to google some articles that pointed out the problems you are explaining, I remember there was one that was taken quite seriously - I mean it had a lot of views and many people saying yes yes - , but I couldn't find it. Instead I can tell you that a couple of books do warn against the "let's always apply DRY!": the clean architecture from uncle Bob, and Building Microservices from Sam Newman.

Thanks for writing this post!

·1 reply
Paul-Sebastian Manole
Paul-Sebastian Manole
·Aug 11, 2023

Interesting! After I heard of Bob Martin I didn't have time to read his books, but I did read a lot of articles about him on the Internet. I gathered from those articles that people had mixed opinions about his principles for clean code and clean architecture, sort of like there were a lot of traps inside them that led to unexpected complexity. So I fell disinterested in reading his books and found interest in other things like the ports and adapters architecture, vertical slicing, CQRS, modular code, functional programming, pragmatic programmer... oh so many things that kept me busy. This is the first time I'm curious about Bob Martin after this. Thanks for sharing!

Reece Poulsen
Reece Poulsen
Aug 12, 2023

This is a fantastic article! This YouTube video brings up some of the things that you discussed and some other similar topics

·1 reply
Paul-Sebastian Manole
Paul-Sebastian Manole
·Aug 12, 2023

Thank you! I really appreciate you sharing this!
