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José Pablo Ramírez Vargas


Jun 10, 2024

Hi José. Thanks for an excellent series. This has actually helped me understand single-spa much better. I've been following along, but instead of setting up a React mife, I set up a Vue mife as this is the scenario that I need it for. After following this article, and having implemented, first the implementation above and also after changing to the new cssLifecycleFactory, I've found that running in dev my application inherits the CSS from the root app, however, when navigating to /mifea, the mife's CSS takes precedence. When running build and then preview, it sticks to the root app's CSS. You don't perhaps have an example of a Vue mife implementation?

·1 reply
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas
José Pablo Ramírez Vargas
·Jun 10, 2024

Hello, I don't have any examples on Vue right now, but sounds like you have some CSS bleeding. You probably need to re-think the root CSS as you have it right now. If your root is framework-powered, and that framework can do scoped CSS, make use of that. Other than that, there is no difference between how you use cssLifecycleFactory in Vue vs how to use it in other frameworks. If you need more help, open a discussion in GitHub. There we can share information much better than comments in here.
