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Juergen Schuster



1.4K reads


Thuốc stud 100 spray mua bán ở đâu Hà Nội TPHCM
Thuốc stud 100 spray mua bán ở đâu Hà Nội TPHCM

Thanks for sharing

·1 reply
cyber Clone
cyber Clone
Feb 7, 2024


Mathieu Meeuwissen
Mathieu Meeuwissen
Dec 4, 2023

Hi Juergen,

Thanks for your honest opinion.

You might be interested in how your users are using For me the reason I am so happy using is that I can keep up with the latest news about APEX. The links to the great blog post are very useful to me. Just the middle column. The other two columns I hardly look at.

I would be really sad if you would have stopped this news channel. Because it really helps me during my daily development work.

About your comment over the new features in APEX. I agree upon that it would be very nice if the APEX team would also spend enough time to improve the long awaited improvements on the existing functionality. Because that is what we as developers have to deal with every working day. Some of the changes wouldn't take much time to build, but would save us a lot of time.

But I am still very glad that I can work with APEX day in day out. It is such a great tool.



Raymond Allo
Raymond Allo
Dec 5, 2023

Hi Juergen, Like you, I am an old hand using APEX. I started with HTMLDB 1.5 beta. You may remember me from other conversations we had and I am big FOEX user, which now will have to come to an end.

Back to standard APEX. Yes, we have FOS and I am not even sure what is going to happen with that. I had requirements that could not be met by APEX and so I ventured into the FOEX world. I am just disappointed that APEX is still not fixing/enhancing the core product and focussing on all these new things like AI etc. I understand that they have to be seen doing the hot buzzword technology bandwagon. I would love to see some of the great capabilities of FOEX find their way into APEX, but I am not holding my breath.

Over the years, like you, I had to fight Oracle Sales on using APEX. Understandable as it is a free product. Yep fighting the projects which would prefer Java and .Net and the never wavering "Excel can do that for me". And migrating the Forms Application to APEX is a nice buzzword until you get into the complex applications and people expect a similar UI. This is where you would like to see improvements in standard APEX which would make this transition a bit easier and have APEX support at least some of the capabilities of FORMS which were there for the last 20+ years.

Please continue with APEX.WORLD. Happy to become a contributing member. There is a lot of value in it. I would like to see that Find Developers is being limited to only people who are truly available as a developer full time, part time and have at least experience. Too many hopefuls or irrelevant people there. If they want to make themselves known to the community create a separate section.

Keep on trucking ;-)


·2 replies
Juergen Schuster
Juergen Schuster
·Dec 5, 2023

Hey Raymond,

yes I remember 😊. Don't hold your breath, FOEX is history and will never make it into APEX, not even close, just see the IG drama. They don't really care about Forms migration anymore. Do it with standard APEX and if you want a similar UX, incarnate back 20 years 😊. It's all about AI now and "Select AI" and "Prompt2App".

Regarding FOS, I expect an announcement this week, but we can already predict today, we won't see 25 great Plug-ins in APEX 24.1 and the question is, would we really want that? Matt solved my requests within hours, good luck getting any CR approved by the "APEX Ideas App" 😉

Raymond Allo
Raymond Allo
Dec 7, 2023

Juergen Schuster Yeah I never expected to get anything from FOEX into APEX as it is a different framework. What I am referring to is a capability in APEX that you can open a page multiple times, for example multiple customer detail screens. Anyway it is what it is. I'll just have to make the best of it as kicking the elephant is not going to do anything. Like a fly landed on an elephant and kicking the elephant. That is me. Btw, I don't want a similar interface as 20 years ago. I just would like to be able to have multiple pages open at the same time. Yes I know modal and drawer but that is still awfully limited. Looking forward to a new APEX.WORLD and sign me up for the "special you can see more" account.

Jochen Zehe
Jochen Zehe
Feb 29, 2024

Now, I am really curious about Part 2 :-)

cyber Clone
cyber Clone
May 13, 2024

nice one

cyber Clone
cyber Clone
May 13, 2024

nice one

cyber Clone
cyber Clone
May 13, 2024

nice one
