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Ákos Kőműves



385 reads


Md Taqui imam
Md Taqui imam
Jan 6, 2024


Furkan Emin Can
Furkan Emin Can
Jan 6, 2024

Thanks for the great article Ákos Kőműves.

I've played with your example and converted it to a type predicate function.

The isCollaboratorExternal function accepts a collaborator parameter with type string and uses the Array.some function (because of this issue) to check if externalCollaboratorTypes has the collaboratorType and returns the type predicate.

Thus, after the check operation the type of data.collaborator.type will be "External Editor" | "External Administrator".

I think types are more aligned with the logic in this solution.

Here is the link for TypeScript Playground: TS Playground

·3 replies
Ákos Kőműves
Ákos Kőműves
·Jan 6, 2024

This is interesting. Thanks for sharing it! What would be the advantage of using this over includes and returning a boolean?

Furkan Emin Can
Furkan Emin Can
Jan 7, 2024

For the first part of your question, the reason why I didn't use Array.includes is because of a problem with TypeScript.

As far as I understand, TypeScript doesn't allow us to use a more generic typed search parameter for a more explicitly typed array in the Array.includes. So we can't use the type string with an array typed ("External Editor" | "External Administrator")[].

As a workaround we can set the parameter type as any, but I thought Array.some is more straightforward to work with (we don't need to disable type checking), and also I couldn't find any performance difference between the two.

For the second part of the question, returning a boolean doesn't give us any type narrowing.

If you use the function with an if statement, inside the statement, the type of data.collaborator.type is still string.

On the contrary, returning type predicate gives us type narrowing.

If we call this function with an if statement, inside the statement, the type of data.collaborator.type is narrowed to "External Editor" | "External Administrator".

There is a visualization in the TS Playground that shows the result of narrowing the type.

As I said, I think this approach is more suitable for the TypeScript side, for the JavaScript side there is nearly no difference.

Ákos Kőműves
Ákos Kőműves
·Jan 8, 2024

Thanks for the explanation Furkan Emin Can.

I looked at your example once more, and I think it does more (which completely justifies the different typing) compared to my simple example. Yours returns the actual collaborator type if the supplied data.collaborator.type matches a collaborator type.

In my example, I simply want to know if the value of data.collaborator.type is an external collaborator. Since it's either yes or no, boolean gives sufficient type narrowing (true/false).
