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Prince Michael



87 reads


Maureen  Ony
Maureen  Ony
Feb 24, 2024

Hi, is it better to use CSS animations rather than JavaScript animation for web development. I feel JavaScript is mostly used and is better than CSS when it gets to animation.

·1 reply
Prince Michael
Prince Michael
·Feb 24, 2024

Hey there! Different developers may prefer using one over the other, depending on their goals, skills, and preferences. CSS animations are easier to write and maintain. All you need to know is the pattern or syntax in which it is to be written. However, the problem with CSS animation is that they have less browser support, as some older browsers may not support them. JavaScript animation on the other hand is more flexible and has little or no problem with the browser compatibility but JavaScript animations are harder to write, maintain, and debug, as they use an imperative syntax. So to answer your question, both have their pros and cons. You can choose to use any which you're comfortable with.
