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Biswajit Nayak


Richard Seal (GuitarRich)
Richard Seal (GuitarRich)
Mar 14, 2024

None of this makes any changes to the admin password at all. How does any of this elevate your security practices? There is an admin UI for editing all these fields and that should be used, never edit aspnet profiles directly in the db.

·2 replies
Biswajit Nayak
Biswajit Nayak
·Mar 14, 2024

You're right, Richard. I appreciate your feedback and apologize for any confusion caused. From today morning I was facing issue in login, my admin passowrd has been corrup by somehow, I did every hack found on internet at last I got this solution.The intention of the blog post was to provide guidance on managing profile properties within Sitecore, but it seems there was a miscommunication regarding the focus on password management. Your point about utilizing the admin UI for editing these fields is valid, and it's indeed best practice to avoid directly editing the database whenever possible. I'll make sure to clarify this in the post and emphasize the importance of utilizing the admin UI for such tasks. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, and I hope you find the updated information helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out.

Biswajit Nayak
Biswajit Nayak
·Mar 14, 2024

@Richard Seal (GuitarRich) The security measures discussed in the blog post include the management of profile properties, specifically focusing on admin-related attributes within the Sitecore environment. By ensuring the accuracy and integrity of these properties, developers can enhance the overall security of their Sitecore systems. Additionally, the post emphasizes the importance of using the admin UI for editing profile fields, highlighting best practices to maintain system security.
