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Illustration showing various devices connected to a cloud server

Attention: Appwrite encountered an unforeseen issue on its Cloud platform, resulting in a temporary outage that affected hackers' build time. To provide a fair opportunity for all participants, we will be extending the deadline by one day. The new end date for the event will be June 15. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Appwrite Hackathon

Explore the innovative realm of Appwrite Cloud's backend-as-a-service technology, enhance your development skills, and make a lasting impact on the open-source community.


By registering for this hackathon, you authorize Hashnode to email you event details and share your information with Appwrite.

Hackathon ends in

Hackathon duration

May 15 - June 14 15

Illustration showing a person managing the cloud

Rewards and prizes


Grand Winner

5,000 USD

+ Appwrite swag

+ Hashnode T-shirt and mug

💰 👕 ☕️

5 runner-ups each

1,000 USD

+ Appwrite swag

+ Hashnode T-shirt

💰 👕

About Appwrite Hackathon

Dates: May 15 to June 14 15


Unleash your potential and make a lasting impact in the open-source world by participating in this hackathon. Engage with the latest Appwrite technologies, expand your horizons, and seize a unique opportunity.

Appwrite logo
About Appwrite

Are you prepared to embrace the challenge and become a part of the Appwrite Hackathon?

How to participate

  1. Sign up for Appwrite Cloud. You can create your account by heading to Appwrite Cloud website.
  2. Build an open-source app on any idea of your choice using Appwrite. Having difficulty coming up with an idea? Check out the app ideas below!
  3. Launch your app by publishing an article on your Hashnode blog - no blog yet? Set it up here.
  4. Submit your project on the new Built with Appwrite website.
  5. Make sure to follow the Appwrite recommended project submission template when writing your article on Hashnode.
  6. Link back to Appwrite Cloud and Hashnode in your project article.
  7. Tag the article with #appwrite and #AppwriteHackathon hashtags! This is how we track who's in.
  8. Share your article on social media and tag @hashnode and @appwrite so we can spread the love!

App ideas for hackathon

Task Management App

Create a task management app that allows users to create, update, and delete tasks, set deadlines, and categorize them. Use Appwrite for user authentication, data storage, and real-time updates.


Chat Application

Develop a real-time chat application that allows users to send messages, share images, and create group chats. Utilize Appwrite's database and real-time capabilities to handle chat data and notifications.


Event Planner

Build an event planning app where users can create events, invite attendees, and manage RSVPs. Use Appwrite's database to store event information and user authentication for secure login.


Online Marketplace

Create an online marketplace where users can post items for sale, browse listings, and contact sellers. Use Appwrite for user authentication, data storage, and handling transactions.


Social Network

Develop a social networking app that allows users to create profiles, connect with friends, and share posts. Utilize Appwrite's database, user authentication, and real-time features to manage user data and interactions.


Photo Sharing App

Build a photo-sharing app where users can upload, edit, and share images with friends. Use Appwrite's storage and image manipulation capabilities to handle image uploads and transformations.


Fitness Tracker

Create a fitness tracking app that allows users to log workouts, track progress, and set goals. Use Appwrite's database and user authentication features to store workout data and manage user accounts.


Recipe Sharing Platform

Develop a recipe-sharing app that allows users to post, browse, and save recipes. Utilize Appwrite's database and storage features to store recipe information and images.


Online Portfolio

Build an online portfolio app for artists, designers, or developers to showcase their work. Use Appwrite's database and storage features to manage user profiles and project data.


Language Learning App

Create a language learning app that offers lessons, quizzes, and practice exercises. Use Appwrite's database and user authentication features to store user progress and manage accounts.


Beyond that, you can also check out our awesome-appwrite repo for more inspiration! 😄

Evaluation Criteria

Projects will be judged based on the following criteria:

  • Product Thinking: Usefulness of the project in a real-world scenario. Completeness of the features implemented.
  • UI/UX: The overall look, layout, color usage, and positioning in the application.
  • Code: Quality (clean code, proper naming conventions, use of linter); use of best practices.
  • Completeness of the article: The blog should cover all aspects of your project. What inspired you to create this project? What problem does the project address? How did you build it?
  • Comprehensibility: Try to avoid esoteric jargon in your article. Use simple language to convey your thoughts.
  • Usage of Appwrite - Is Appwrite central to the functioning of your project? How many and how well have the different Appwrite services been leveraged.

Hackathon Best Practices

  • 📹 If possible, share a demo (video format is better) of your final project.
  • 🔐 If possible, share login demo credentials.
  • 📝 Explain in your article why and how you used Appwrite.
  • 💡 Don't be afraid to write a lengthier article! It's better to cover all the aspects of your project rather than leave some features outside!


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Testimonials from previous winners

Frequently asked questions

By participating in this hackathon, you agree to the rules laid out here. Please read them carefully before proceeding. All projects submitted in this hackathon should be open source with MIT or other standard open-source licenses.

Don't miss an opportunity to win big with Appwrite hackathon

Hackathon ends in

Hassle-free blogging platform that developers and teams love.
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  • Blogs
  • AI Markdown Editor
  • GraphQL APIs
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