Ga·Aug 9, 2024Why I Chose Eleventy for My Freelance Business WebsiteAs a freelancer, creating a professional website is essential for showcasing my skills, attracting clients, and building a strong online presence. After exploring various content management systems (CMS) and static site generators (SSG), I discovered...11ty
Łukasz Wó·Oct 4, 2023How to make a PWA out of your Eleventy siteWhile tinkering with one of my projects I ventured to explore how to make a progressive web app out of an Eleventy site. A few months later, I’m happy to report two things. First, it’s perfectly doable. Second, you probably don’t want to do it. But l...35 readseleventy
Victor·Jul 22, 2023Building zed-news – an automated news podcastI have always been terrible when it comes to staying up to date with the latest news. One day, while reading the Hacker Newsletter, I came across Hackercast – an AI-generated podcast summary of Hacker News. I was deeply fascinated, and this triggered...66 readsPython
Cory·Mar 19, 2023Scheduled Eleventy builds on Vercel with cron-triggered GitHub actionsIn an effort to get away from client-side Javascript and embrace Eleventy for what it is (a static site generator), I've dropped my social-utils instance offline and my now-playing track display on my home page that still relied on it. To update my f...63 readsdevelopment
Cory·Mar 19, 2023Building my /now page using EleventyAs part of my commitment to writing about things I've written in other frameworks in Eleventy, this is how I re-engineered my /now page in Eleventy.[1] My /now page is a series of discreet sections — the Currently block is populated by data from omg....58 readsdevelopment·Feb 9, 2023Next.js VS 11ty ComparisonNext.js and Eleventy are two popular tools used for building modern web applications. Both have their own unique features and advantages, making it difficult to choose between them. In this article, I will compare the two tools in very general detail...42 reads11ty
Murtuzaali·Dec 18, 2022Using Fontsource With 11tyDealing with fonts can get quite overwhelming. For quite some time, I was searching for a way to self-host google fonts because the google fonts API's network request increased the render-blocking time more than I expected. I stumbled upon fontsource...106 readsJavaScript·Sep 28, 2022Adding Article Schema Markup to Your Eleventy BlogIntroduction Implementing Article Schema Markup on an Eleventy blog enhances its discoverability and presentation in search results. This tutorial will guide you through adding structured data to your Eleventy blog using the eleventy-plugin-schema pl...eleventy
Murtuzaali·Jun 7, 2022Eleventy - Shortcode for Embedding CodepenDon't know what eleventy is? Before you read further, check out this amazing series of articles by Tatiana Mac to know more about eleventy and static site generators in general. Shortcodes are used to invoke a particular function which returns some...3 likes·136 reads11ty·Jan 25, 2022Build an open source webshop with 11ty and MedusaIn this tutorial, you will learn how to build a modern e-commerce storefront with Medusa and 11ty. You will create our store’s backend using Medusa's headless commerce engine and admin panel, and the store’s frontend with the 11ty framework and tailw...8 likes·153 readsecommerce