Quan Nguyenituniverse.hashnode.dev·Jan 9, 2025Java Design Pattern – Adapter1. Intent Adapter Pattern là một mẫu thiết kế thuộc nhóm cấu trúc (structural design pattern) trong lập trình phần mềm. Nó được sử dụng để kết nối hai hệ thống hoặc lớp có giao diện không tương thích, bằng cách "chuyển đổi" giao diện của một lớp thàn...Design Patterndesign patterns
ritiksharmaaaritiksharmaaa.in·Nov 29, 2024Understanding the Role of DSA and Design Patterns in Web DevelopmentWeb development often feels straightforward: fetch data from a database, perform operations, and send the processed data to the client. However, the deeper complexities of handling data efficiently and maintaining scalable code require understanding ...Data Structure And Algorithmslow level design
Alyaa Talaatalyaatalaat28.hashnode.dev·Oct 15, 2024Adapter and Facade Patterns – Head First ApproachThe Adapter Pattern and Facade Pattern are structural design patterns that deal with organizing relationships between objects. They help simplify and unify complex systems by making interfaces compatible (Adapter) or providing an easier interface to ...adapter design pattern
Nicolas de Souzanicolasdesouza.com·Aug 28, 2024Design Patterns - AdapterSabe quando seu sistema legado precisa de um feature nova mas a biblioteca que você usa não tem suporte para isso e a biblioteca que você achou para implementar não faz o que a biblioteca antiga faz e de alguma forma você precisa fazer as duas trabal...Design Patternsadapter design pattern
Nile Bitsnilebits.hashnode.dev·Aug 11, 2024How The Adapter Pattern Can Simplify Your CodebaseIntroduction Keeping the codebase organized, adaptable, and controllable is essential in the field of software design. The Adapter Pattern is one design pattern that greatly advances these objectives. By acting as a bridge, this pattern allows confli...C#
Dinko Marinacdinkomarinac.dev·Apr 23, 2024Beyond Code Generation: Crafting Custom Hive AdaptersHive is the oldest and most used local database in Flutter. While it’s not recommended to use it since it’s not maintained anymore, if you are a consultant or a freelancer you will get a project which still uses it. Since Github Copilot has come out,...325 readsFlutter
Venu Madhav Emmadivenumadhavemmadi.hashnode.dev·Apr 6, 20242.1 Adapter Pattern - Structural Design PatternThe Adapter pattern is a useful tool in software development that can be used to integrate interfaces that are incompatible. It enables seamless collaboration between objects with different interfaces. The Adapter pattern is unique among design patte...5 likesDesign Patterns in Software Engineeringdesign patterns
Mohasin Hossainmohasin.hashnode.dev·Mar 1, 2024Learn Adapter Design Pattern in PHP With ExampleI am assuming that you already guess the adapter design pattern by seeing the image above. Let’s drive into deep. Let’s imagine you have a memory card with some data and you need that data in your laptop too. Now how you can get the data? Answer is E...design patterns
Ritesh Panigrahiriteshpanigrahi.com·Feb 4, 2024Adapter Pattern Explained: Building Bridges in Your CodebaseHi Everyone, so far in the design pattern learning journey we have covered all the 5 Creational Design pattern, that helped us understand process of object creation under different situations. From this blog onwards, we will start learning all the St...75 readsSystem DesignJava
Shanmuga Priyanshanmugapriyan.hashnode.dev·Jan 19, 2024Harnessing the Adapter Pattern for FlexibilityIntroduction Discover the Adapter pattern: a structural design pattern in software that makes things easy. It acts like a translator, helping different parts talk to each other smoothly. Join in as we see how this pattern makes software flexible. Und...1 like·143 readsstructural design pattern