Bhargab·Nov 18, 2024Using wkhtmltopdf on Amazon Linux 2023 (ARM64) in EC2: A Lightweight Alternative to Puppeteer for HTML to PDF ConversionBackground We had a requirement to include a Terms and Conditions block in an existing PDF. The terms and conditions were represented as rows of an HTML table. For this, we were converting HTML to PDF using the puppeteer-html-pdf Node.js package. On ...59 readspuppeteer
Amit·Jun 4, 2024Comparing Linux-based operating systems from AWSAWS offers a variety of Linux-based operating systems that are stable, high performing and focused on security. These can be used to host containers or your workloads depending on your use case. Currently there are three variants available, with one
Ahmed·Mar 31, 2024Installing Mosquitto on Amazon Linux 2023Amazon Linux 2023, the latest release of Amazon’s Linux distribution, brings with it enhanced features and improvements. However, one notable absence from the default package repositories is the Mosquitto MQTT broker. Mosquitto is a widely used and r...37 readsaws ec2
Ankit·Dec 16, 2023Key Features Introduced in Amazon Linux 2023 vs Amazon Linux 2Amazon have launched the latest Amazon Linux 2023(AL2023). It comes with a two year of standard support & add on three years of maintenance support. The Amazon Linux 2 will no longer be receiving the security & maintenance updates after 30th June 202...37 readsAWS
Mirza·Sep 25, 2023How to install FFmpeg with Harware Accelaration on AWSIntroduction Video is not just a story; it is the storyteller. It weaves narratives, captures moments, and connects us in ways words alone cannot. The ever-increasing demand for video content in marketing, streaming and OTT platforms, social media, a...3 likes·1.5K readsThe Video Transcoding: From CPU, GPU to Cost EfficiencyFFmpeg
Lee How·Jul 6, 2023Legacy React app yarn build error in Amazon Linux 2023We had multiple React app running in our dev server, recently we updated it to Amazon Linux 2023 (AL2023). A quick yarn build for those legacy apps is throwing us tons of build errors. The first idea that came to our mind is to update the packages to...34 readsamazon-linux-2023
Taegu·Jun 21, 2023installing MySQL client on amazon linux 2023how-to # package update sudo dnf update -y # search mariadb client sudo dnf search mariadb # install mariadb client sudo dnf install mariadb105 -y74 readsmysql client