Fave0xfave.hashnode.dev·Dec 27, 2024Raydium AMM How it worksOverview The Raydium AMM is an on-chain smart contract based on the “constant product” in a permissionless and decentralized manner built on the Solana blockchain, And it also shares its liquidity according to the Fibonacci sequence in the form of li...15 likes·113 readsWeb3 Security
Shivank Kapurshivankkapur.hashnode.dev·Nov 9, 2024Building on Solana Anchor Framework.Introduction The Solana blockchain is widely known for its speed, scalability, and minimal transaction fees, which make it a popular choice for decentralized applications (dApps). However, developing on Solana can be challenging, especially for devel...20 likesBlockchain
Ofuzor Chukwuemekechukwuemekeclinton.hashnode.dev·Sep 6, 2024Step-by-Step Guide: Setting Up Anchor on Windows for Solana DevelopmentThis article stems from my challenging experience installing Anchor on my Windows PC. The process took a full week to complete successfully. I'm grateful for the invaluable assistance provided by the Anchor Discord community, Claude AI, and the Twitt...10 likes·370 readsanchor
Siddhant Kharekharesiddhant.hashnode.dev·Jul 18, 2024Build an NFT Stake Program Using Anchor in Solana. (With rewards)Welcome back, reader! Today we are going to build an NFT staking program in Anchor which will also provide rewards to the user. There are quite a few instructions here, so it's going to be a long article. Key concepts Before we move on to the meaty s...41 readsSolana
Mercy Makindeileolami.hashnode.dev·Apr 7, 2024The Journey Of Mad LadsIntroduction https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExYmt0eWc4Z2ZkZzl2d3NsbXdrZTFvdzVyMGtxbjk5Ymp4M3R6dmYydiZlcD12MV9naWZzX3NlYXJjaCZjdD1n/xT1R9IifIb7c9YmERq/giphy.gif Web3 is a constantly evolving technology that has brought about many inn...1 like·93 readsNode.js
sunitha chinnahtmlclass.hashnode.dev·Mar 27, 2024forms in htmlforms in html An HTML form is used to collect user input. The user input is most often sent to a server for processing. The <form> Element The HTML <form> element is used to create an HTML form for user input: <form>.form elements.X<html lang="en"> <...anchor
unreal_joovaunrealtechblog.hashnode.dev·Feb 27, 2024Build on Solana From Rust Basics to Advanced DevelopmentIntroduction In our in-depth tutorial series where we explore the journey of building on Solana, starting from the very basics of Rust programming to the intricacies of Solana development. Solana stands out in the blockchain space for its incredible ...117 readsWeb3
tosynthegeektosynthegeek.hashnode.dev·Aug 31, 2023Testing Solana Programs (Anchor) with MochaIntroduction Testing your programs is essential to ensure the reliability and functionality of your code and ensure it performs as intended. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on writing tests using Mocha JS. We'll focus on a prog...19 likes·54 readsSolana
tosynthegeektosynthegeek.hashnode.dev·Aug 30, 2023Solana Account Model: How your data and program are stored on SolanaIn the world of blockchain technology, Solana stands out for its innovative approach to storing data and executing programs. At the heart of this uniqueness lies the Solana Account Model – a concept that might initially seem challenging but holds the...16 likes·62 readsanchor
Devyanshdevbytes.hashnode.dev·Mar 28, 2023Use of Anchor tag <a> in HTMLThere is much use of anchor tags from which redirecting to another page through a link is the most common use of it. Apart from this, we can use it to redirect the user to the device mail and call app as well as allow the user to download the file vi...1 like·36 readsanchor