Gaurav J·Feb 8, 2025Aspect Oriented ProgrammingWhen building applications in Spring boot, we often run into scenarios where we need to apply the same logic across multiple parts of the code - like logging, some pre-processing, security checks, performance monitoring, transaction management, etc. ...1 like·84 readsspring-aop·Sep 29, 2024What is the Difference Between Joint Point and Point Cuts in Spring AOP?Source: What is the Difference Between Joint Point and Point Cuts in Spring AOP? 1. Understanding Join Points and Pointcuts Aspect-Oriented Programming revolves around the idea of weaving additional behavior into existing code at specific poin...aop·Jul 25, 2024Transaction Log 출력하기Transaction Logging AOP 포인트 컷(Pointcut) 조인 포인트 중에서 어드바이스가 적용될 위치를 선별하는 기능 어떤 메소드에 어드바이스를 적용할지를 결정 스프링 AOP는 프록시 방식을 사용하므로 메소드 실행 지점만 포인트 컷으로 선별 가능 ➔ 메소드 호출 시점에만 어드바이스가 적용될 수 있음 포인트컷 표현식(AspectJ pointcut expression) import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf...1 likeaop
Dimitri·Oct 11, 2023A story about Joel and APEX Office Print (AOP) #JoelKallmanDaySince this is the special Joel Kallman day, I thought to share a story about how document generation with AOP started at Oracle's internal APEX environment. Today it might be normal for people to use APEX Office Print (AOP) to do their document gener...1 like·328 readsJoelKallmanDay
Kai·Dec 4, 2022Transaction Retries using JavaEE and CDI with BMTsIn a previous post, we demonstrated client-side transaction retries by using meta-annotations and Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) in Spring Boot. In this post, we'll use a similar concept for a different Java stack: JavaEE (or JakartaEE as it's kno...152 readsTransaction Management for CockroachDBjavaEE