Mentos·Feb 2, 2025Mastering Assembly Language: The Foundation of Low-Level ProgrammingMastering Assembly Language: The Foundation of Low-Level Programming Assembly language is one of the most fundamental programming languages, serving as a bridge between high-level programming and machine code. It provides developers with direct contr...operating system
Mentos·Feb 2, 2025Comprehensive Guide to Operating System Development: Kernels, Compilers, and BeyondComprehensive Guide to Operating System Development: Kernels, Compilers, and Beyond Operating system (OS) development is one of the most complex yet rewarding fields in computer science. It involves creating the foundational software that manages har...operating system
Samarth·Feb 2, 2025Calculator in 6502Our project is a basic calculator that does the following: Clears the screen using a ROM routine. Displays a title (“Calculator”). Prompts the user to enter two numbers (each from 0 to 99). Adds the two numbers together using Binary-Coded Decimal...assembly language
Hamza·Jan 28, 2025Week 3 - Math, Flow Control & Lab 2Some of you may have read the title and said ew, math (I kind of do this at times). Jokes aside, we can agree that math is a fundamental concept of programming. In fact, for assembly language I believe it does require a much more logical understandin...45 readssoftware portability
Muhammad·Jan 19, 2025I Tried Systems programming languagesfirst of all i am low level systems engineer came from web development background and i tried golang, rust,c,c++ and zig Golang Go is a high level half staticlly typed and half dynmically typed compiled languge programming lnguage. And remember, in t...Rust
Ricky·Jan 14, 2025Demystifying x86 Assembly: An Introduction and How-ToI've been slowly learning assembly over the years by being exposed to it in my role as a Threat Analyst, but I would still consider myself to be a beginner. Lately, I've been taking action and learning more about it so that I can feel comfortable in ...96 readsAssembly
Hamza·Jan 14, 2025Week 1 - Lab 1 - Assembly Language?!Hello everyone! Welcome again. In this article, I will be discussing what exactly is assembly language, a brief overview of a simple processor, assembly language code and a lab I completed. So before we begin, let’s first dive into what exactly assem...42 readsProgramming Blogs
Uttam·Jan 12, 2025How to Create a Bootable Program: Step-by-Step TutorialIn this blog, we’ll explore how to write a minimal bootable operating system in Assembly and create a bootable ISO file that you can run in an emulator or directly on hardware. We'll detail every step, including the commands and what they do, so you ...operating system
DAMIAN·Jan 11, 2025Using CPU Registers EffectivelyIn this second foray into Assembly Programming, I get a little into efficiency and memory writes. Here are some examples demonstrating how to use CPU registers effectively for both x86 and ARM architectures. I’ll use registers to perform multiple ope...ProgrammingAssembly
DAMIAN·Jan 11, 2025How CPUs Process InstructionsI’m diving into the realm of Assembly Programming in my spare time, because I’ve had an interest in truly low-level code for a while, now. I’d like to develop a deeper understand of how all this tech around me operates at the base level, and I hear i...Programmingassembly language