Jyotiprakash Mishrablog.jyotiprakash.org·Jul 30, 2024MIPS Instruction Set ArchitectureThe MIPS (Microprocessor without Interlocked Pipeline Stages) Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) is one of the most widely studied and implemented ISAs in the field of computer science and engineering. Developed in the early 1980s at Stanford Univers...Discuss·3 likes·1.3K readsMIPS32
Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jul 11, 2024The Journey from Game Modding to a Career in TechIn a small room with an old computer humming away, my journey into the world of technology began. I was a teenager, navigating the typical challenges of adolescence, yet my nights were anything but typical. While my friends spent their evenings socia...Discuss·28 readsjourney into tech
Ahmad W Khanblog.ahmadwkhan.com·Jul 9, 2024Mastering Assembly LanguageAssembly language, a low-level programming language, offers unparalleled control over computer hardware. This tutorial will guide you through the essentials of assembly language programming, culminating in the creation of a simple operating system ke...Discuss·37 readsAssembly
Riya Sinhaambasthariya.hashnode.dev·Jul 9, 2024Key Notes on Computer Architecture and Assembly Language1. Basic Computer Architecture Von Neumann Architecture: Components: Central Processing Unit (CPU), Memory, Input/Output devices, and Storage. Characteristics: Single bus for data and instructions, sequential instruction processing. CPU Compone...Discussarchitecture
Reagan Mwangideepcore.hashnode.dev·Jun 19, 2024Learn to Combine WebAssembly and JavaScript: A Practical GuideIntegrating WebAssembly with JavaScript: A Fun and Informative Guide Welcome to the future of web development, where performance meets versatility! Today, we're diving into the exciting world of WebAssembly (Wasm) and exploring how it can be integra...Discussassembly language
Laszlo Tataitatailaszlo.hashnode.dev·May 1, 2024How to compile our console assebmly file, using MASM32.Install MASM32 from here:Link : MASM32 download. Create a new folder in the MASM32 folder on the c: drive.Save our "filename.asm" Assembly file here. The .asm files can be edited in Wordpad, or we can use Notepad++.Link : Notepad++ download. To...Discussassembly language
Victoria Adedayovictoriaadedayo.hashnode.dev·Apr 23, 2024Multicall: The Key to Gas OptimizationA multicall contract 📞 is a smart contract that accepts multiple function calls as inputs and executes them together. A developer can use the multicall contract as a proxy to call functions in other contracts. A proxy in this case, refers to the mu...DiscussSmart Contracts
Steven David Pillaystevenpillay.hashnode.dev·Apr 6, 2024Introduction to 64 bit AssemblyIn this blog, I am going to talk about x86 and Aarch64 assemblers, and their basic commands and we are going to code a simple loop that prints the index. Seems like a simple task right? Guess again, as we are going to do it in assembly language for t...Discusslab3
Raineraineyang.hashnode.dev·Dec 16, 2023Learning Note: Learning the Implementation of Programs with Assembly LanguageThis article is a summary of Chapter 10 of: Yazawa, H. (2015). 程序是怎么跑起来的[How Program Works] (L. Fengjun, Trans.). People's Posts and Telecommunications Press Correspondance between Assembly Language and Native Code CPU can only execute native code, a...Discussassembly language
Shreyansh Agarwalshreyanshagarwal.hashnode.dev·Nov 4, 2023Building a Basic CPU Simulator with TkGate on Linux: A Journey into Computer ArchitectureIntroduction In this blog post, I want to share a small project I worked on during my 2nd year of the BTech CSE Program in the Computer Architecture and Organisation Lab Assignment. I created a Basic CPU Simulator capable of running code similar to a...Discuss·1 like·153 readscpu