Abhishek Dubeylearning-in-public-week-1.hashnode.dev·Nov 10, 2024Week 1 updatesWe all know the feeling: there’s something we should be doing, but we keep pushing it aside—whether it’s a task we dread or something we’re simply avoiding. For me, this was learning DSA. I had the resources, I knew the importance of it, but procrast...Discuss·46 readsProgramming Blogs
Tapan Rachchhtapanrachchh.hashnode.dev·Nov 7, 20242275. Largest Combination With Bitwise AND Greater Than ZeroWay 1 - Using bit matrix class Solution: def largestCombination(self, candidates: List[int]) -> int: maxBits = max(candidates).bit_length() binaryRepresentations = [[int(x) for x in format(number, f'0{maxBits}b')] for number in c...Discussleetcode
Rohit Gawanderohit253.hashnode.dev·Sep 29, 2024Chapter 13: Bit ManipulationContinuing the journey through Data Structures and Algorithms with Java. In this chapter, we will delve into the fascinating world of bit manipulation—a powerful technique in programming that allows us to perform operations at the binary level. Maste...DiscussDSA(Data Structure and Algorithm) In JAVAbit-manipulation
Sujan Haldarhsujan.hashnode.dev·Sep 18, 2024Mastering Bit Manipulation: A Step-by-Step GuideDecimal to Binary conversion Convert decimal number to binary by divide it using 2 and take reminder in reverse order. public class Solution{ public String decimalToBinary(int num){ StringBuilder ans = new StringBuilder(); while(...DiscussBeginner Developers
Akash Dasakashdas7781.hashnode.dev·Sep 17, 2024Mastering Bit-Manipulation : A Beginner to expert guide with simple ExamplesBit Manipulation is one of the most efficient way to optimize your code . Whether you are working with algorithms ,Cryptography or System level programming ,understanding of bit-manipulation can give you a significant performance boost .In this guide...Discussbinary bits
ShenLonglevandong.hashnode.dev·Aug 26, 2024Save data less in database using theory of bit in C#Using bit fields in C/C++ might be familiar to you. In C/C++, bit fields allow you to create multiple variables within a single byte, within the limits of the bit representation. Today, I’m sharing a similar technique for C#. It's important to note t...Discuss·10 likesC#
Shashwat Nathmagmastorm.hashnode.dev·Aug 17, 2024DSA Comprehensive Topic ListNote:This isn't a Competitive Programming guide so number theory,game theory,segment trees aren’t mentioned in detail this is to prepare you for majority of DSA that is good for you to be acquainted with for interviews or any other purpose. This Arti...Discuss·32 readsDSA
Enigmacodedohaeris.hashnode.dev·Aug 15, 2024Beginner's Guide to Bit-Manipulation: Day 1 TutorialHello there!, we'll be covering Bit-Manipulation concepts (A-Z) and some essential tactics required to tackle DSA problems based on Bit-Manipulation. Today's Goals: Convert decimal to binary Convert binary to decimal 1. Convert Decimal to Binary ...Discuss·1 likeDSA
ANSHbitmanipulation.hashnode.dev·Aug 4, 2024Manipulating BitsFind the Bit at ith Position To find the Bit at the ith Position we use AND Operator among the number and mask created by us.Mask consists of 1 at the ith position and all other vacant spots are filled with zero . To achieve this mask we use left shi...Discussbit-manipulation
ANSHbitmanipulation.hashnode.dev·Aug 4, 2024Bit Manipulation: CORE CONCEPTSBit manipulation is a technique that involves directly manipulating the individual bits of a number. It's often used to optimize algorithms and solve problems efficiently. BITWISE OPERATORS Observations of XOR : a ^ 1 = ā (compliment of a) a ^ 0...Discuss·10 likesbit-manipulation