ANGSHUMAN·Feb 5, 2025My Journey Learning CSS - Selectors and Box Model 🚀 (Day-8)Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a fundamental part of web design, allowing developers to control the look and feel of a webpage. Today, we'll dive into essential CSS selectors and the CSS Box Model, along with an interesting concept known as Margin C...Full Stack Web Development Journey#learning-in-public
Dmitrii·Feb 4, 2025Indie Updates: 413 Content Too LargeToday, I realized that I made a critical mistake in selecting features for my MudQuest project. With just 30 days left before my deadline, the project has grown far too large and is packed with features that don’t align with my original vision. I’ve ...Indie Hackingindiedev
Diego·Feb 4, 2025Apple’s shiny Benchmark Metrics are BS, but don’t be fooled.I learned that the hard way while feeling proud of myself as I rearranged screenshots, polished keywords, and declared I’d cracked the code. Smart Keys conversion rate soared, my proceeds per user looked stellar, and I’d pat myself on the back every ...App Store Optimization·Feb 2, 2025#2 Refactoring Fidely & Tackling Side Projects: Early 2025 UpdatesHello everyone, It’s been a while since my last update in The 10-Minute Company series. I originally thought I’d be able to share progress sooner, but the holiday season (and a few unexpected projects) absorbed much of my free time. Nevertheless, I m...The 10-Minute CompanyBuild In Public
Michael·Jan 28, 2025⚙️Demystifying Apache Tomcat: A Developer’s Path to Manual Deployment and DevOps Readiness 💻Apache Tomcat is one of the most popular open-source web servers used for deploying Java-based web applications. It is widely adopted in the developer community for its reliability, scalability, and cross-platform capabilities. In this guide, we’ll w...20 likesDevops
Saravana Sai·Jan 25, 2025Inside the Black Box: Unveiling the Secrets of Database InternalsIntroduction Databases are the backbone of modern software systems, enabling efficient data storage, retrieval, and management. But have you ever wondered how they work under the hood? What happens when you execute a query? How is your data stored on...41 readsRust
Jay·Jan 20, 2025What Did I Learn While Building a Site with AnimationsCreating a website that sports flying papers, beams, and other active elements is a real roller-coaster ride of creativity, technical know-how, and lots of learning. And here are some things that I learned: 1. The Power of Planning I first learned th...Web Development
Dmitrii·Jan 17, 2025Indie Release Notes #5❤ 👉 You can find people to go offroad with in real-time with MudQuest app. In this release, I spent a lot of time thinking about how offroad events and parties could work. I realized that sometimes we need to schedule an offroad party, which I sim...Indie Hackingoffroad
Vivek·Jan 11, 2025Kind vs Minikube: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing and Setting Up Your Local Kubernetes Cluster"So, you're diving into the world of Kubernetes, huh? Welcome to the club where YAML files and containers rule the kingdom! But wait—how do you set up a Kubernetes cluster on your local machine? Should you go with Kind or Minikube? What’s the differe...1 like·37 readsKubernetes BasicsOpen Source
Balraj·Jan 6, 2025Mastering Spring Boot: Building a Dynamic Secret Santa Generator Web Application using Azure DevOpsThe Secret Santa Generator is a web application built using Spring Boot technologies, Thymeleaf views, JPA, H2 Database, and more. It features a Spring Model, View, and Controller (MVC) architecture along with Service and Repository layers. This proj...69 readsKubernetes